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Iranian Chief of Secret Police found mudered

**Amir has taken down the original post on Telegram then reposted it with different wording.

It wasn't the Director of Intelligence but it was the Chief of Secret Police.**

A report that the chief of the secret police department in the Iranian province of Lorestan has been eliminated.
When you think of the evil this man in his position has done, what a day to rejoice that he is prevented from committing further evil.

From what we know of the situation in Iran, the field of suspects could include most of the country and various parts of the world. Iran's reach into Canada and the Iranian refugees living here is a matter of record. They are terrorized by the Iranian police operating with impunity here in Canada. I'm sure it's similar elsewhere.

Whoever blew him to his final reward did everyone a favour.

It's sad because he was born a human being with a chance to serve God and he chose to serve Satan, and to do so with extra cruelty towards others.

I wonder if the revolution in Iran against the Mullah's is starting????