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Iran warns US not to respond, says next attack on Israel will be more severe

"Biden has been clear: The United States will stand with the people of Israel and support their defense against these threats from Iran,' US National Security Council spokeswoman stated.

Iran warned the United States not to respond to its attack on Israel, as the confrontation between the two-arch foes spilled over into the region and US President Joe Biden held consultations in Washington.

This “is a conflict between Iran and the rogue Israeli regime, from which the US MUST STAY AWAY!” Iran’s mission to the UN in New York stated in a post on X early Sunday morning.

It justified its launch of a drone and missile attack on Israel as an act of self-defense permissible under Article 51 of the UN Charter.


I received the following email from Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council this afternoon.
Dear Adrian,

"For a nation has come up against my land, powerful and beyond number; its teeth are lions' teeth, and it has the fangs of a lioness."
Joel 1:6

News just broke that Iran has directly attacked Israel. What began with Israel responding to the invasion of Hamas' terrorist army into Israel has now expanded into a direct conflict between Israel and the nation of Iran.

I believe this is a defining moment for our country. Will the United States stand resolutely with Israel? Or will the vacillation of the Biden administration, which I believe contributed to Iran's decision to attack Israel, continue until we have totally turned our back on Israel?

The Bible makes clear that the Lord has a special plan and purpose for the land of Israel. It's because our obedience and desire to serve Him that we intercede for Israel. In this hour, the need is great. Will you take a moment to pray for Israel's security now?

Pray for the peace of ALL of Israel -- for Israel's Defense Forces, for the civilian population, for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the nation's leadership, that God will give them wisdom, that our leaders will stand with Israel, and that God will show Himself mighty on behalf of Israel.

If you have not already done so, please pledge to stand with Israel. You can access the pledge by clicking here.

Yesterday, I interviewed my friend, House Speaker Mike Johnson, on our new weekly news show on Salem News Channel: This Week on the Hill. Speaker Johnson shared with me the full extent of just how far the Biden White House has gone to distance themselves from Israel at this critical time. You can watch our discussion about this below.

Seemingly determined to appease the anti-Israel segment of his base, President Biden and his party appear to be tacitly supporting Israel's opponents. In fact, at this very moment, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is sitting on aid for Israel, and even went to so far as to call for new elections in Israel in the middle of the war.

Israel is fighting for its survival, and now Iran has attacked directly. Israel needs our prayers and support more than ever.
It is clear this morning that the Iranian attack was coordinated with the American administration. It is likely that the Iranians gave a warning that they were going to attack, and the US assured them that it would not allow an Israeli response. The Biden administration, in the most monstrous way, continues to see Iran as an asset, with which agreements must be reached.

It is clear this morning that the Iranian attack was coordinated with the American administration. It is likely that the Iranians gave a warning that they were going to attack, and the US assured them that it would not allow an Israeli response. The Biden administration, in the most monstrous way, continues to see Iran as an asset, with which agreements must be reached.


"Vengeance is Mine, and recompense; Their foot shall slip in due time; For the day of their calamity is at hand, And the things to come hasten upon them"
Deuteronomy 32:35
God's will is going to be accomplished despite our Liberal govt. interferences and enmity against Israel. Its easy to say we condemn the Iran attack, because most sane people would. But its the other ramblings and backstabbing that counts. God knows those who truly support His land and people. Clearly it is not this current administration. I do believe cracks and fissures in American security will start to widen. Be prepared for a rough 2024 and always trust God and His word. He knows those who are His.
God's will is going to be accomplished despite our Liberal govt. interferences and enmity against Israel. Its easy to say we condemn the Iran attack, because most sane people would. But its the other ramblings and backstabbing that counts. God knows those who truly support His land and people. Clearly it is not this current administration. I do believe cracks and fissures in American security will start to widen. Be prepared for a rough 2024 and always trust God and His word. He knows those who are His.
Great post in its entirety........and the part about "Be prepared for a rough 2024......" is spot on and probably the "fasten your seatbelt" mantra for Americans until the end of our days. They've infested our country and an infestation isn't removed overnight, if at all.