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"It's a total free for all in Eagle Pass right now. Mass illegal crossing taking place for over an hour and a half. Almost 2 years to the day we saw 15,000+ Haitians under the bridge in Del Rio, we now have thousands of predominantly Venezuelans gathering under Eagle Pass bridge." -Bill Melugen, Fox News journalist
[ToddStarnes.com] A state of emergency has been declared in Eagle Pass, Texas where thousands of illegal aliens have been crossing the border since the weekend. (Screengrab image)
Video, which you can watch Here, shows members of the Biden administration cutting razor wire that had kept the illegals out of the country. That action led to a massive border surge.

On Wednesday more than 4,000 illegals crossed the border—overwhelming the town of 29,000 Americans and the city services like police and fire. All of the border crossers are young men of military age.

My friend Bill Melugen, the Fox News journalist, has been covering the border crisis for several years now. He described a terrifying scene from Eagle Pass.

It's a total free for all in Eagle Pass right now," he said. "Mass illegal crossing taking place for over an hour and a half. Almost 2 years to the day we saw 15,000+ Haitians under the bridge in Del Rio, we now have thousands of predominantly Venezuelans gathering under Eagle Pass bridge." (Screengrab image)


This is unlawful and insane.
The border entries are not blocked but as always anyone crossing stops there to tell Border Patrol what their business is for crossing the border, and if it's an assylim claim there's a process

But the governor of Texas chooses to protect His State by putting up razor wire at *unlawful entries", like US resident's back yards.

The Federal government has no right to cut that wire being used as a protective border.

This administration knows exactly what they're doing. Purposely overwhelming the influx of migrants, to create a crisis and we can just imagine where it goes from there.
This current administration proves over and over that not only is it anti-American but it has no interest in American laws at all...unless it is to use them to try and destroy their political enemies. I can not believe that the great country I have (legally) immigrated to has come to this!

And the rest of the world looks on, aghast.
Related Story:

**This shows the deliberate conspiracy by this administration to block legal entry to this country, yet cutting the razor wire blocking the illegal entry to allow for mass invasion into the US.
They are purposely destroying the Sovereignty of America by dissolving our borders, while they are spending billions to protect the borders and Sovereignty of Ukraine


Biden Admin Stops Legal Border Entries as Illegal Crossings Surge in Texas Town

EAGLE PASS, Texas — Customs and Border Protection ordered the shutdown of one port of entry, the Eagle Pass International Bridge 1, and the second busiest international railway crossing in Texas. The closures were the response from the Biden administration to nearly 9,000 migrant crossings in the small Texas border town in five days. The port of entry closure resulted in a log jam of traffic for commuters on both sides of the border.


Another related story.
Biden Administration Military is "helping people IN":

Cuellar: Military on Border ‘Just Helping Folks Come in’ — We Have to Detain and Send People Back​

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “José Díaz-Balart Reports,” Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) stated that in order to solve the surge at the southern border, we have to detain people and send them back, and stated that the troops sent to the border are “just helping folks come in.”

Host José Díaz-Balart asked, “And so, Congressman, what do you see as the solution to this?”

Cuellar said, “I’m looking at your split screen here, and I’m seeing DPS. We’re seeing Border Patrol. We’re seeing — they’re talking about sending more military folks over there. And are they — they’re just helping folks come in. Look at what we’re seeing right now.

You’ve got to have a policy where you actually return people back. You’ve got to do that. Otherwise, people are going to keep coming. If you don’t detain people, if you don’t send people back, then the border becomes a speed bump.”

He added that a government shutdown would put added stress on the Border Patrol.

