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In His Latest Presidential Act, Biden Again Attacks Religion

If there was ever a question about how much Joe Biden hates God and all religions (with the possible exception of Islam), that question has now been completely answered with his choice of honoring two of the most anti-religion individuals in our nation with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest award for a civilian.

A self-proclaimed Catholic, whose actions have always been directly antithetical to Catholic theology, Biden is awarding this honor to Cecile Richards, the President of Planned Parenthood. It is a major tenet of Catholicism that abortion is strictly forbidden, with the possible exception of a taking actions to save the mother's life that are not a direct attack on the child. Catholic teachings include the concept of ensoulment: the understanding that a soul enters the fetus at conception. Since the time of Tertullian in the third century, it has been a core belief of the Church that the soul enters at that moment, and abortion is forbidden.

Similarly, the traditional view in Judaism is that abortion is also forbidden unless the fetus is a direct threat to the mother's life. Abortion is only allowed in Jewish law if the fetus is a “rodef,” meaning “pursuer.” Despite what the many leftist rabbis in this country say (who are more committed to the religion of leftist politics than they are to Jewish theology), for over 2,000 years it has been established Jewish law that abortion is forbidden in any case other than this.

It is one thing for Joe Biden to tacitly support the anti-religion practices of Planned Parenthood. But for him to consciously award Richards with this high honor is a direct assault on the theology that he claims to subscribe to. It is an attack on every Catholic, pro-life Christian, and authentic Jew. Bestowing this honor upon the President of Planned Parenthood is yet another example of Joe Biden thumbing his nose at God, religion, and people of faith.


If there ever was any vestige of a chance left that this man could to some slight degree redeem himself, if not his presidency, he has just completely torched it. I am praying for him because he is precariously perched above a fiery abyss from which he is entirely incapable of rescuing himself ... as were we. May God have mercy on his soul. As He did on us. :pray:
If there ever was any vestige of a chance left that this man could to some slight degree redeem himself, if not his presidency, he has just completely torched it. I am praying for him because he is precariously perched above a fiery abyss from which he is entirely incapable of rescuing himself ... as were we. May God have mercy on his soul. As He did on us. :pray:
That’s scary to imagine.