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In-Depth: Marxist ‘Critical Theory’ And Its Use To Distort The Israel-Hamas War


By Mike Spaulding for
Harbingers Daily

Most discussions of Critical Theory (CT) and its many permutations are usually met with a blank stare. When I attempt to include any number of philosophical tangents that have been coopted into Critical Theory, a look of bewilderment soon follows. Why is there such widespread unawareness concerning Critical Theory and how this ideology and philosophy is shipwrecking America?

One reason among many that Americans in general, and middle-aged and older Americans specifically, are unfamiliar with Critical Theory is because they were not subjected to it in their education at any level. Young people, however, are quite familiar with it. Today’s Gen Z and Millennials have been immersed in Critical Theory and its many manifestations for most of their lives.

Older Americans have lived long enough to know when they are being played. By played, I mean snookered. Ok, for you younger readers, older Americans know when they are being conned. Critical Theory is a con game. Not only is it a con game, but it is seriously and purposely misaligned with the Bible and in no sense represents Christian Orthodoxy. On this basis, Americans must take the time to understand Critical Theory and how it is changing everything in America. I’m sure I have your attention now.

Critical Theory presents a serious problem for all Americans. In our ignorance of what Critical Theory is and what it asserts (a better word would be what it agitates for or foments political insurrection in order to accomplish), we are allowing ourselves to be divided. When division reaches a critical point then manipulation and propaganda may be successfully applied to derive a predetermined outcome. That predetermined outcome always includes the grouping of people into oppressors and oppressed. This is effectively the Hegelian Dialectic Reasoning in action.


In our ignorance of what Critical Theory is and what it asserts (a better word would be what it agitates for or foments political insurrection in order to accomplish), we are allowing ourselves to be divided. When division reaches a critical point then manipulation and propaganda may be successfully applied to derive a predetermined outcome.
I've been trying to learn about CT, it's such nonsense that I have a difficult time grasping it.

But, like the article points out it's used to divide people and manipulate. I tend to think of it as satan's chosen vehicle to deceive in these last days. It is a big megaphone to force us all to listen. Libs of Tik-Toc does a great job posting how the system leads to shameless boasts against God (especially in those claiming victimhood because they want 'freedom' to kill infants; 'freedom' to stock libraries with porn; 'freedom' to surgically mutilate trouble kids who are gender confused).

It reminds me of Lenin & Trotsky's propaganda scheme, or method to build the socialist hegemon. They created a controlled chaos that resulted in the 1918 revolt between the upper/lower classes by careful developing small groups called 'cells' where their published propaganda and devised methods trained enough people to direct the revolt the way they planned.

Maybe our resident expert will chime in @Margery?
Lenin was inspired by Karl Marx which is where the term Marxism comes from and why CT has been imbedded in the schools and universities...

These are quotes from Vladimir Ilyich Lenin that shows why the globalists who are vigorously trying to impose a communist society and why they are going after the children and poised to destroy the family unit, .....

“Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.” —Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

“Destroy the family, you destroy the country. The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation”. —Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

The following link explains how the Marxist ideology has crept into the education system to systematically destroy America so they can raise up a new world order.

Here's a link that describes the origins of the Communist ideology which began with Karl Marx and why it's called Marxism..
Maybe this article will answer some of your questions....

What Are the Origins of Communism?

Last Updated
March 15, 2023

In this lesson, we’ll take a look at both communism in theory and communism in practice. We’ll go back in time to understand how Karl Marx championed the ideology in response to abysmal working conditions in Western Europe. And we’ll explore how two individuals—Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin—translated Marx’s ideology into actionable policy, often with disastrous results.
