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In-Depth: A Preview Of The Future That God Has Planned For Us

By Dr. Robert Jeffress for
Harbinger's Daily

The theme of the book of Revelation is this: The end of your life as you know it is coming soon. That end will come either through your death or through the return of Jesus Christ, but your life is about to undergo a big change. And the knowledge that your life is going to end should affect how you live right now.

What is the future that God has planned for us? Many Christians get confused about the end times. Let’s simplify the subject of Bible prophecy by looking at a preview of God’s plan.

The Church Age

The first event in Bible prophecy is the Church Age. The Church Age is the period from Pentecost until the Rapture during which Gentiles are invited to participate in the blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant. God issued an invitation to Abraham and his descendants, the Jews, to be in a covenant relationship with Him. But Israel temporarily rejected that invitation when they rejected Christ. So God extended His invitation to include non-Jews, that we might be saved. This is the period we are living in right now, when God has temporarily set aside Israel and has invited everybody to be part of His covenant blessing.

Make no mistake: God is not finished with Israel. In Romans 11:1, 25, Paul said, “God has not rejected His people, has He? May it never be!… A partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.” When the Church Age ends, God will finish His dealings with Israel.

The Rapture of the Church

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"Unbelievers are not destroyed when they are judged; they suffer forever and ever. The horrible truth about Hell is this: When you have spent three trillion years in the agony of Hell, you will not have reduced by one second the amount of time you have left. That is the fate of everyone who dies without trusting in the forgiveness of Jesus Christ."

For all the lurkers here that are not Born Again you still have time, time to make a decision for Christ, ask him to save your soul, to wash you white as snow, that is why he came to earth to save you from your sin, and to spend eternity with Him, eternity is never ending , get to know and love the One who loved you first and paid the price for you.
By Dr. Robert Jeffress for
Harbinger's Daily

The theme of the book of Revelation is this: The end of your life as you know it is coming soon. That end will come either through your death or through the return of Jesus Christ, but your life is about to undergo a big change. And the knowledge that your life is going to end should affect how you live right now.

What is the future that God has planned for us? Many Christians get confused about the end times. Let’s simplify the subject of Bible prophecy by looking at a preview of God’s plan.

The Church Age

The first event in Bible prophecy is the Church Age. The Church Age is the period from Pentecost until the Rapture during which Gentiles are invited to participate in the blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant. God issued an invitation to Abraham and his descendants, the Jews, to be in a covenant relationship with Him. But Israel temporarily rejected that invitation when they rejected Christ. So God extended His invitation to include non-Jews, that we might be saved. This is the period we are living in right now, when God has temporarily set aside Israel and has invited everybody to be part of His covenant blessing.

Make no mistake: God is not finished with Israel. In Romans 11:1, 25, Paul said, “God has not rejected His people, has He? May it never be!… A partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.” When the Church Age ends, God will finish His dealings with Israel.

The Rapture of the Church

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Definitely marking this to read as soon as our church’s women’s Bible study is over, just two more weeks!