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In complete secrecy: Egypt altered the hostage deal terms before handing to Hamas - report

Egypt altered ceasefire terms before handing agreements to Hamas, three anonymous sources told CNN News in a report published on Tuesday.

According to the report, Egypt changed the details of the deal submitted to the Hamas terrorist organization after it had been signed by Israel and before reaching Hamas. It was also reported that this move led to great anger among Israel, the US, and Qatar against the Egyptians.

One source even claimed that the Egyptians "deceived us all."

Who was behind the altered agreement?​


Egyptians behaving like Egyptians. Who could've seen this coming?

Back in the divided kingdom period of Israel's history in the OT, they had a tendency to look to Egypt for alliances, and those always bit Israel in the end. Egypt hasn't changed.

When they are the enemy of Israel, at least Israel knows what to expect.

It's when Egypt extends the hand of friendship that Israel needs to run screaming out of the room. (Same with Jordan tbh)