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Andy C

What Is Imminency?
In doing some research on the doctrine of imminency, I noticed few people take the time to actually define what prophetic imminency means. First, let us look at the general definition of the key word “imminent:” “The quality or condition of being about to occur.”

Imminency, as it relates to Bible prophecy, simply means that the return of Jesus Christ for the Church can happen at any moment. No warning signs will indicate a short-term countdown. We as Christians remain on alert 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If a wife knows her husband normally gets home from work shortly after 4:00 PM, she knows that beginning at 4:00 PM, his arrival is imminent. If the woman knows her husband has to work overtime, the imminency of his 4:00 PM return is then in doubt.

The only way for the rapture to be truly imminent is to have it transpire before the tribulation. If the Church were required to wait until after the manifestation of certain events, then there would be no doctrine of imminency.

The Granddaddy of Proofs
The pretribulation rapture is the only view that allows for the rapture to be imminent in its timing. All the other views require a number of prophetic occurrences to take place before the rapture can be declared imminent. To be looking for the imminent return of Christ, you have to believe in a pre-trib rapture.

Jesus repeatedly said that His return for the Church would be a surprise. The Lord even went beyond that by saying He would return “as a thief” when believers generally won’t be expecting Him to come for them.

“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only” (Matthew 24:36).”Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing” (Matthew 24:42-46 KJV).

“Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh” (Matthew 25:13).

While I fully agree with Todd's assessment of the imminent pre-trib rapture, I do differ in the use a few of the scripture references he used as support in his article.

Primarily the Matthew 24:36 , Matthew 25:1-6, and Mark 13:33-37 passages as I believe those should be kept in the context of Daniel's 70th week, the time of Jacob's trouble.
Though there are many scholarly works that give a better interpretation (imo) of the above passages, I won't post any other articles as not to detract from Todd's absolutely correct position of the imminent rapture of the Church.

There are plenty of scripture references that support an imminent pre-trib doctrine, and he listed many, as not to have to change the context of the above mentioned verses to fit the position. Again, just my opinion.
The only way for the rapture to be truly imminent is to have it transpire before the tribulation. If the Church were required to wait until after the manifestation of certain events, then there would be no doctrine of imminency.

The Granddaddy of Proofs
The pretribulation rapture is the only view that allows for the rapture to be imminent in its timing. All the other views require a number of prophetic occurrences to take place before the rapture can be declared imminent. To be looking for the imminent return of Christ, you have to believe in a pre-trib rapture.
I was listening to Tom Hughes this morning, and he said people were mad at him for scheduling a trip to Israel next year. Why are they mad? Some have listened to internet pastors such as JD, and they are convinced the rapture is this year. Despite no scripture telling them so, they let their emotions drive their discernment and come to the conclusion its this year. I for one hope the rapture is any day now, but Im certainly not convinced this is so.

Plan for your future, but hope the rapture is today - this is how I and many others live.
I was listening to Tom Hughes this morning, and he said people were mad at him for scheduling a trip to Israel next year. Why are they mad? Some have listened to internet pastors such as JD, and they are convinced the rapture is this year. Despite no scripture telling them so, they let their emotions drive their discernment and come to the conclusion its this year. I for one hope the rapture is any day now, but Im certainly not convinced this is so.

Plan for your future, but hope the rapture is today - this is how I and many others live.

The current speculations might have those speculating saying they're not date setting, but many really are, which is too bad.
Are you referring to the Rosh Hashanah stuff?

That and whatever other ideas are making the rounds. Some, not necessarily those teaching the ideas, are making the same mistakes people have been making for a very long time.

Some of the ideas, like what our mattfivefour shared make good sense and are a definite possibility. Some then take it a step further and hang their hat on whatever they're getting excited about with regards to our Lord’s return for His Church. What often happens when things don't work out the way one is sure they will? It usually isn't pretty.
From the OP:

Some anti-imminency folks try to solve the problem they have with the rapture’s any-moment occurrence by redefining it as merely indicating that Christ will return soon. The speed of Christ’s advent is not the issue. If an event is required to take place before the Lord can return, there is no need to remain watchful.