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Imminency by Todd Strandberg

Andy C


Imminency by Todd Strandberg​

What Is Imminency?​

In doing some research on the doctrine of imminency, I noticed few people take the time to actually define what prophetic imminency means. First, let us look at the general definition of the key word “imminent:” “The quality or condition of being about to occur.”

Imminency, as it relates to Bible prophecy, simply means that the return of Jesus Christ for the Church can happen at any moment. No warning signs will indicate a short-term countdown. We as Christians remain on alert 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If a wife knows her husband normally gets home from work shortly after 4:00 PM, she knows that beginning at 4:00 PM, his arrival is imminent. If the woman knows her husband has to work overtime, the imminency of his 4:00 PM return is then in doubt.

The only way for the rapture to be truly imminent is to have it transpire before the tribulation. If the Church were required to wait until after the manifestation of certain events, then there would be no doctrine of imminency.

This is one of his best writings IMO! Great details, with scripture.
While I have not read the whole article yet, so far I agree with most of what he has stated except for this statement.

"Because we have no way to refute the fact that we will not know the timing of our Lord’s return, the tribulation is a barrier to the rapture. No wonder the late John Walvoord called immanency “the heart of Pretribulationism.”"

The tribulation is not a barrier, because just like how we don't know when the Rapture will happen, we also don't know when the Tribulation starts either.
The tribulation is not a barrier, because just like how we don't know when the Rapture will happen, we also don't know when the Tribulation starts either.

I've not read the article, but the Tribulation certainly can be said to be a barriar to the Rapture because the Church will fully escape Tribulation, therefore, the Church must be removed (Raptured) before Tribulation begins. The timing of either isn't relevant except to say that the Rapture will occur before Tribulation begins.
I've not read the article, but the Tribulation certainly can be said to be a barriar to the Rapture because the Church will fully escape Tribulation, therefore, the Church must be removed (Raptured) before Tribulation begins. The timing of either isn't relevant except to say that the Rapture will occur before Tribulation begins.
I totally agree with you!!!! :100percent:

Maybe I was incorrect, but I thought he was saying that because we don't know when the Rapture happens it cannot be connected in any way to the Tribulation. If that is not what he is saying, then I misunderstood his point of the Tribulation being a barrier.

I totally agree with your version of the Tribulation being a barrier. :100percent:
A great point from the article:

Some anti-imminency folks try to solve the problem they have with the rapture’s any-moment occurrence by redefining it as merely indicating that Christ will return soon. The speed of Christ’s advent is not the issue. If an event is required to take place before the Lord can return, there is no need to remain watchful.