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Ilhan Omar Makes an Outrageous Comment Targeting the American People After GOP Congressman Calls for Her Arrest and Deportation

Far-left, anti-Semitic Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) unsurprisingly lashed out at the American people in a disgusting manner after a GOP congressman called for her to be sent back to Somalia.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Rep. Brandon Gill (R-TX) circulated a petition earlier this month that called for the arrest and deportation of Omar for treason. Gill, a first-term Congressman and son-in-law of conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, urged supporters to sign a petition to deport Omar in a fundraising email.

Omar, the first Somali American elected to Congress, entered the United States in 1995 during the Somali Civil War by claiming refugee status. She became a citizen five years later at 17 years old, although there are reports that she married her brother to obtain a green card.

Omar sat down with Zeteo’s Mehdi Hasan on Sunday to respond to Gill’s provocative comments. What followed was an outrageous attack on Trump supporters and any American deviating from the leftist narrative.

I really think that she has no idea what America is about.

In her mind, the USA is the great satan

Right now, woke, PC, LGBTQABCXYZ are enemies of islam's enemies here, but after muslims get enough political and social power to impose sharia, those, who supported them along the way are going to wish mightily that they hadn't.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is only true until the enemy is gone, and then the temporary friend reverts to enemy status again, and is treated as such.

or, Politics makes for strange bedfellows."
She’s got more and more arrogance on display.

As difficult as it is for me to understand Islam, it is becoming more clear that when we pity those who are obviously living under oppression and bring them to western countries, they turn on us pretty quickly.

There are Arabs, Iranians, etc. who don’t want to come to the west and don’t want our pity. @Spartan Sprinter posted a really good video on that topic. An Arab Islamist explained that the migrants to the west are not their best people!

I’ve also loved testimonies of former Islamists who come to Jesus. What conviction, courage and humility :meet: