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Hundreds of People Killed in Assisted Suicides Last Year in California

The 2023 California assisted suicide report was recently released indicating that there were 884 reported assisted suicide deaths in 2023 and a total of 4,287 reported assisted suicide deaths since legalization in 2016.

As with previous years, the report implies that the deaths were voluntary (self-administered) but the information in the report does not address that subject.
California does not report assisted suicide death complications. This is important since the 2023 Oregon assisted suicide report indicated that there was almost a 10% complication rate.

The 2022 California assisted suicide report stated that there were 853 reported assisted suicide deaths. The 2023 report corrected the 2022 data and states that there were 890 reported assisted suicide deaths in 2022. That a difference of 37 reported deaths.

In 2022 I pointed out that there were 294 Californians, who were approved for assisted suicide but their ingestion status was unknown. These people had received the lethal poison but the authorities did not know if they had died by assisted suicide, died by a natural death, or remained alive....

Complete Article:
I have lived here all my life and was unaware that California had legalized assisted suicide.
My mouth has literally dropped 😲.

It's no wonder the medical system here is so bad.
If a patient is deemed not worth getting healthier, they won't be given adequate medical care.

No wonder, when I had my surgeries, and I was admitted into the hospital, I was pressed to sign a Do not resuscitate document but I repeatedly said no.