Ghoti Ichthus
Genesis 18:32, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Acts 5:29
How Glowing Dye That Clings to Cancer Cells Gives Doctors ‘Second Pair of Eyes’
By Andy CorbleyJun 14, 2024
"A human trial in Scotland found that a dye that clings to cancer cells can give surgeons an unprecedented view of tumors as they enter to remove them.
Developed for use in the removal of prostate cancer, the dye could be adapted to other cancers but is already successfully helping to extract greater amounts of cancerous tissue."
"Developed by Cancer Research UK, larger-scale trials are now underway to find out just how effective the marker dye is. At present, a trial of 23 men with prostate cancer underwent surgery and had more of their cancer removed and more healthy tissue unharmed.
“It’s the first time we’ve managed to see such fine details of prostate cancer in real-time during surgery,” said surgery professor, Freddie Hamdy from the University of Oxford and lead author of the study. “With this technique, we can strip all the cancer away, including the cells that have spread from the tumor—which could give it the chance to come back later.”"

How Glowing Dye That Clings to Cancer Cells Gives Doctors ‘second pair of eyes’
The developers believe that future versions of the dye could be developed for other forms of cancers just by changing the target protein.