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House Oversight Committee released report stating Biden has committed impeachable offenses while in office


Unto Thee I lift my eyes. Ps. 123
Staff member

House Oversight Committee released report stating Biden has committed impeachable offenses while in office.

The 291-page report released Monday by the Oversight, Judiciary and Ways and Means committees comes roughly eight months after Republicans formalized their impeachment inquiry against the president. Their sweeping investigations, largely focused on the business deals of Biden’s family members, have gone on even longer, informally starting around the time they first took the House majority in January 2023.

Wow! This is a very long and very complex document. I spent overb an hour scanning it, only deeply reading certain parts, but it is a very damning report. For those who do not have the time to read it all (which would take hours) here is the conclusion:

"Joe Biden has exhibited conduct and taken actions that the Founders sought to guard against in drafting the impeachment provisions in the Constitution: abuse of power, foreign entanglements, corruption, and obstruction of investigations into these matters. The Committees investigative work has revealed that the Biden family—with the full knowledge and cooperation of President Biden—has engaged in a global influence peddling racket from which they made millions of dollars. The Biden family’s influence peddling was vast and involved entities and individuals from some of America’s greatest adversaries, such as China and Russia. Clearly aware of the political risks associated with Joe Biden’s participation in this scheme, the Biden family and their business associates sought to conceal his involvement by funneling money through an extensive network of shell or third parties’ companies, using code names, and engaging in other obfuscatory tactics designed to maintain, as James Biden described, “plausible

"As the Committees, whistleblowers, witnesses, and a few brave media outlets that pursued leads regarding the Biden family’s business dealings, President Biden, the Biden-Harris Administration, and senior White House officials have sought to bury the President’s involvement in his family’s conspiracy to monetize his high office. Whenever the Committees produced new evidence refuting the White House’s narrative, the White House changed its story.

"President Biden has not been able to maintain a consistent narrative regarding his role in these schemes and has resorted to making outlandish statements and outright denials that are provably
false with bank records and other evidence. To date, the testimony and documents received by the Committees show President Biden knew about, participated in, and benefited from his family’s influence peddling conspiracy. While President Biden to date has avoided accountability for his corruption, the Committees are dedicated to ensuring that political influence is not for sale and that those entrusted to hold public office are committed only to promoting the country’s interests, not their own. As both president and vice president, Joe Biden has abused his office of public trust, putting his family’s financial interests above the interests of the American people. Although the Committees’ fact-finding is ongoing amid President Biden’s obstruction, the evidence uncovered in the impeachment inquiry to date already amounts to impeachable conduct. The Committees present this information to the House of Representatives for its evaluation and consideration of appropriate next steps."
That's a big nothing burger. Nothing will come of it. The deep state republicans seem to love those kinds of headlines though. We're gonna investigate!
Likely, especially since the average person will have neither the time nor the intellect to digest the evidence, and especially since the media will not have any interest in dissecting and sharing it.
Additionally, he and many in govmint positions are guilty of felonies for aiding and abetting illegal aliens, going so far as to fly them into our country from around the world. If we had rule of law in the USA, which appears to be dead and gone, there would be many hundreds of govmint employees, contractors, non profit employess, and politicians convicted and sent to prison.