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Hope For Our Times Midweek Prophecy Update


Tom Hughes has guest
Alex Newman
Discussion on a variety of topics currently in the news

Russia and China

"Abraham shield plan"
Calls for Peace and safety


Musk and others Trump has surrounded himself with

Some concerns with some of the executive orders

Roles of the separated powers in the three branches of power
The purpose for the founding documents

We should keep going to the Bible for guidance and wisdom, keep ourselves informed as Christians but rest in confidence that
Our hope is in Jesus Christ

38:52 minutes video

Tom Hughes has guest
Alex Newman
Discussion on a variety of topics currently in the news

Russia and China

"Abraham shield plan"
Calls for Peace and safety


Musk and others Trump has surrounded himself with

Some concerns with some of the executive orders

Roles of the separated powers in the three branches of power
The purpose for the founding documents

We should keep going to the Bible for guidance and wisdom, keep ourselves informed as Christians but rest in confidence that
Our hope is in Jesus Christ

38:52 minutes video

CAtch that one up tonight, the last guest Tom had where he was evangelizing to everyone including some celebs during the fires at rescue centre's was a mad gee up to watch