You will be interested in what
Bill has to say in the first half of the video.
It was an EXCELLENT interview. Appreciate letting me know. I don't always watch Tom, although he's on my feed, unless it's someone I particularly want to hear. Koenig is one of the people I drop what i'm doing to listen to.
Tom kept getting the Abraham Accords confused with the Peace and Prosperity Plan. But he let Bill speak which was good.
Bill was good about tracing what happened when the P&P plan came out although he still uses coded phrases for Covid.
The day that came out, was the day Covid really got going in North America.
That was shelved in order to have the Abraham Accords. Bill made an interesting point about some pressure the Saudi crown prince MBS was inserting into that AA deal, that didn't end up being done. At least I think that is what he said.
Bill was also able to touch on another point of confusion which is the Abraham Shield thing which is Obama/Biden/Israeli Left repackaged, and is a land for peace deal.
Then there is the Hostage deal.
He connected the dots to the Polar Vortex the day that Trump's negotiator was pressuring Netanyahu to accept the hostage deal immediately or face consequences. Bill was very concerned about the team players that are working the Middle East for Trump with the exception of Huckabee.
That Hostage deal continues to reward terrorism and hostage taking with huge payoffs. Israel is forced to let go multiplied times serious killers, who are behind bars for good reason for the hostages. It's great to have the hostages coming home, even if it's body bags, but this ensures future hostage taking. It pays big. Especially when the American negotiator for Trump forces it on Netanyahu who knows better.
The amount of confusion between the other 3 plans is staggering though. Tom Hughes isn't the only one I hear mixing them all up and seeing them as the same plan, different names, but they're not. Peace and Prosperity came first, then Abraham Accords, and just lately the Abraham Shield.
Satan is the author of confusion, so I think these 2 different Peace Plans (Peace and Prosperity - currently on the shelf, and Abraham Shield) plus the Abraham Accords have arrived together to muddy the understanding in the West. If Christians are having a hard time keeping them straight, there's a lot that can go sideways with clever diplomats.
It looks like they might expand stuff into the Abraham Accords which at present are just a glorified trade agreement with diplomatic ties between Israel, Bahrain, UAE and Sudan (in exchange for Sudan signing on, they got their terror status lifted so that wasn't completely peaceable). The Saudis aren't yet signed on. It will be interesting to see how the Accord changes to reflect the price the Saudi's want for their involvement.
For now that Shield thing is a nasty deal that just rehashes everything Biden's WH wanted. If it got forced onto Netanyahu the way this hostage deal was, things might get VERY rough and bumpy.
Put it this way, I wouldn't be surprised if they combine elements of both. Because that Shield plan has aspects that Mohammed Bin Salman, the Saudi prince has been wanting to try in his new NEOM city.
Rule by technocrats, not democratically elected officials. This is a favourite of the Israeli left, who have been using the Judiciary - the Israeli Supreme Court to rule over the elected leaders.
And a digital currency. Cash will be eliminated in the new and improved Gaza. This is something the Israeli left and the Saudi Crown Prince are in agreement on.
So I think we might see the nasty elements of the Abraham Shield inserted into the Abraham Accords, relying on the fact that few people know the difference. The names are so similar!!!!