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Hezbollah reportedly agrees to withdraw beyond Litani River, Lebanese reports claim


Unto Thee I lift my eyes. Ps. 123
Staff member

Hezbollah agrees to withdraw beyond Litani River as US pushes for pre-election deal, but Israeli officials remain skeptical​

Despite Hezbollah’s declarations throughout the war, the terrorist organization has agreed to drop its demands and is ready to withdraw beyond the Litani River, Lebanon's MTV website, which is associated with Hezbollah opponents, reported Wednesday night.

The report indicated that Hezbollah agreed to establish a demilitarized zone, with all its weapons to be moved beyond the river. It was also claimed that Hezbollah no longer insists on being directly connected to events in Gaza.

Complete article: Hezbollah reportedly agrees to withdraw beyond Litani River, Lebanese reports claim
Iran and their new leader have probably talked and decided that if they don't end this Hezbollah will cease to exist. And they have probably given up on hamas ever being viable again. If a shell of Hezbollah remains, they can re-arm with more sophisticated weaponry to use another day in the future. Iran's strength lied in its proxies surrounding Israel. Iran is currently very weak and vulnerable and her proxies are close to being annihilated. Maybe, just maybe, they see the wisdom in halting hostilities against Israel for a time, which will allow Israel to live in peace and security for at least a short while.
PM Netanyahu:

"I do not set a target date for the end of the war, but I do set clear goals for winning the war"
"We treat the arms of the octopus and at the same time hit the head of the octopus - in Iran"
"We are changing the face of the Middle East. But to be clear - we are still in the eye of the storm. Great challenges are still ahead of us and I do not underestimate our enemies at all."
"I very much appreciate the support of the USA; When possible - I say yes, but when necessary - I say no.'
