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Helene Weakens to Tropical Depression as Rescues Persist, Death Toll Mounts

Everlasting Life

By grace, through faith in Jesus

Hurricane Helene weakened into a tropical depression on Friday after making landfall overnight in northwestern Florida as a Category 4 storm. At least 30 people in four states have died.

Authorities continue to rescue people trapped by floodwaters and millions were without power across much of the southeastern U.S.....

....NASHVILLE — In eastern Tennessee, a “catastrophic failure” of Waterville Dam spurred evacuation orders for all of downtown Newport, a city of about 7,000 people about 60 miles (97 kilometers) southwest of where dozens of people were being rescued from the roof of a hospital.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — More than 1 million customers remained without power in South Carolina several hours after the remnants of Hurricane Helene left the state and the sun started to come out.....

There's quite a list. Keep praying, there's some more storms forming (but expected to stay weak).

There is a town in North Carolina with 1000 people still unaccounted for. Could these people have all died? Hopefully it’s just communication issues.
Just shocking to see the devastation there. The town is basically gone.
I know this was a Cat 4 but I’m still baffled at how it contained so much power and water that far inland.
We were up in Asheville just a few years ago - very sad to see what’s happened there.
There is a town in North Carolina with 1000 people still unaccounted for. Could these people have all died? Hopefully it’s just communication issues.
Just shocking to see the devastation there. The town is basically gone.
I know this was a Cat 4 but I’m still baffled at how it contained so much power and water that far inland.
We were up in Asheville just a few years ago - very sad to see what’s happened there.

Slope and change in elevation gets water moving faster, so more force and erosion
Mountains and valleys channel water, so more force and erosion
Downed trees, mud and rocks moved, etc. channel water
Erosion means less resistance as flood continues and it picks up more mud and debris along the way, making water even more destructive
Changes in wind direction, plus turbulence from mountainous area, plus hurricane-associated weather, churn flood waters

Dams fail and reservoirs empty, flooding downstream,
Even if a dam doesn't fail, the reservoir may overflow the dam and flood downstream
This one should be renamed Hellene

**Apparently it's been circulating within some prophecy circles that the Hurricane Helene was as a result of "weather manipulation by the government".

Lee Brainard responds to this conspiracy theory on his Telegram.....

(Part One)
Mr. Wet Blanket feels like he needs to address another theory that is making the rounds in prophecy circles, and that is the theory that the US Government is capable of modifying weather in extreme degrees and manner. Here are my thoughts.

There is zero doubt that the US government has been involved in weather modification for decades, primarily cloud seeding to promote rain and chemtrails with aims like shielding against radiation. Both have had limited success. There is also no doubt that the US has been researching avenues for vastly greater influence on the weather, but to this point they have obtained only marginal to abysmal results.

However, the conspiracy theory claims that the US government and perhaps others are creating typhoons, hurricanes, tornado thunderheads, and earthquakes using high-tech, secret technology. I am extremely skeptical of this. The following information on the enormous amount of energy needed to create a hurricane is enlightening. I found this information on the internet.

"If we add up the wind energy and the heat energy, we get a total power of about 6.2 x 10^14 watts, or 5.4 x 10^19 joules per day for a category 5 hurricane. That's equivalent to about 200 times the total electrical generating capacity on the planet. Or about 10,000 nuclear bombs."

This is pretty crazy. Ten thousand nuclear bombs of energy per day for a Cat 5 hurricane. Two hundred times the electrical generation of the entire planet per day for a Cat 5 hurricane. The ONLY source of energy that has the ability and means to convey that energy to earth is the sun. Even if these statistics are five times too great, the lower numbers still seem fatal to the idea that mankind is generating hurricanes, typhoons, storms, and earthquakes.

Where is this energy coming from? Secret power plants in Antarctica? And how is this energy being directed from the source to the target area? A string of space stations or massive satellites? How is this massive amount of energy being directed from satellite to satellite without visible evidence in the atmosphere like plasma strings? How is this energy being focused to create a hurricane or typhoon? Dozens or hundreds of satellites each directing more energy than a nuclear bomb? You would have to have a very significant system set up. There is no way that some beam shooter in the Antarctic could aim at the sky in the southern hemisphere and cause a hurricane in the Caribbean.

My suggestion is that we shift our focus on this matter to God's hand and leave puny man out of it. We are giving man far more credit than he is due. We are elevating man. The increase in the number and severity of weather phenomena and earthquakes and volcanoes is far better explained as God letting nature run amok in the early birth pangs of the last days. He is using the energy of the sun to bring an increase in the number and severity of hurricanes, severe storms, earthquakes, and volcanoes.

Further, things like the increase in the number of high magnitude hurricanes or the deep inland drift of hurricanes while maintaining hurricane force or the appearance of odd physiological features are not developments that have only appeared since WW2. They have been part of hurricane characteristics for many centuries. We don't need to envision secret technology being wielded from a secret energy source at a secret base that generates fifty if not two hundred times more energy than all the world together. All we need to envision is God using the sun as he always has. Man can't change the weather in this degree. God can. Remember Occam's razor, aka the elegant solution. The simplest solution that explains all the phenomena is the best and the right solution. Everything we see in changing weather is best explained by God upping the energy in nature in the last days.


(Part Two)
Fallen man's part in the last days is the Big Brother surveillance and manipulation system, the sophisticated unbelief, the return to various forms of cultured and uncultured paganism, and tampering with DNA, mixing what he shouldn't. But significantly altering weather fronts, much less causing hurricanes, is magnitudes beyond his ability. If we trust the plain statements of Scripture (sola scriptura) and don't allow ourselves to be led astray by superstitions, the greatest miracles worked by the dark side in the last days are things like calling down fire from heaven. Satan is very limited in his power of miracle working. And man has no abilities beyond those of the angels. The truth is, man has no high-tech abilities which he didn't learn from the angels. The gods, many times over the centuries, have come down to man, trading secrets for fealty. If the angels can't create hurricanes, then neither can man. In Job 38 and following, God claims to have vast powers over nature that no other creatures, human or angelic, has. This is not merely a Sunday School story. This is timeless truth that is as true today as it was in Job's day.

May we all grow in discernment in such matters.
