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Hamas wants aid drops to stop after a parachute failed


When Stuff Gets Crazy LOOK UP! Maranatha!
Staff member
and hit some "civilians" lining up for aid. OOOPS

Considering it's well known that civilians are elbowed out of the way by Hamas who goes in for the lion's share of the goodies the West is dropping in for them, this probably should read that in spite of best efforts to aid Hamas, these misguided nations ended up killing a few Hamas soldiers/terrorists. Now suddenly renamed civilians because they're dead. Of course it quotes unverified sources from Hamas Authorities in Gaza. Like they'd ever admit the truth.

The Israeli media is giving them the benefit of the doubt but honestly I'd be shocked if civilians get anywhere near this stuff until after Hamas picks it over.

I'm WAITING to hear worldwide condemnation of these evil genocidal air dropping nations (The USA, Britain, France, and Jordan), along the same manner that Israel got blasted when they accidentally took out the World Aid Kitchen volunteers.

Oh wait, what's that I hear???? Crickets chirping softly in the distance. Hmmmm I guess the double standard is alive and well.

Hamas on Thursday called for an end to airdrops of aid after two Palestinians were killed in northern Gaza when an aid pallet crashed into a warehouse after its parachute failed to open.

Several countries, including the United States, Britain, Jordan and France, have resorted to regular aid airdrops in northern Gaza, where humanitarian agencies have warned of a looming famine amid the ongoing war, sparked by Hamas’s October 7 massacre.

Two people were killed on Tuesday when an aid parachute fell on the roof of a warehouse where residents had gathered to collect relief supplies, taking the total of people killed when airdrops of aid have gone wrong to at least 21, according to unverified figures from Hamas authorities in Gaza.
People aren't supposed to be in the drop zone or approach/departure paths when heavy drops (equipment, supplies, and/or vehicles) occur :tap:

Why aren't PA and Hamas ensuring the safety of the civilians? :tap:
Maybe because their uncivil "civilian" "volunteers" are not well trained or first one there gets the lion's share. Definitely wasn't women and children waiting for groceries to coming flying down on them. I'm guessing here but one thing I do know is that aid doesn't reach the real civilians till it's been thoroughly picked over. Couldn't happen to a finer group. Maybe next time they'll give some room but then they'd be giving up first dibs on the free goodies.

When Israel hands out aid, or ensures that aid from other countries gets to the real civilians they make sure it gets to the women and children.