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Hamas Official Boasts Oct. 7 Derailed Normalization Processes, Says Never to Two States

Ghoti Ichthus

Genesis 18:32, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Acts 5:29
The one state won't be the one he thinks it'll be . . .

Hamas Official Boasts Oct. 7 Derailed Normalization Processes, Says Never to Two States​

Hamas political bureau official Ghazi Hamad claimed that international boycotts proved October 7 was effective at halting normalization and pushing recognition of Palestinian statehood.


"Ghazi Hamad, member of Hamas Political Office, delivers remarks on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, during a press conference in Beirut, Lebanon, October 28, 2023.
Hamas political bureau official Ghazi Hamad praised the October 7 attacks during a livestream with the pro-Palestinian NGO Masar Badil at the end of June, stating that they had challenged the normalization of ties between Arab states and Israel and that the war had sold the Palestinian cause to the West, the Middle East Media Research Institute published on Friday.
The same official had previously told Lebanese media that Hamas would repeat October 7 "again and again."
The interview, titled "Al-Aqsa Flood and the Palestinian Resistance Today," saw both Hamad and interviewer Khaled Al-Rehab praise the October 7 attacks on southern Israel - where Hamas terrorists invaded Israel and murdered over 1200 people.
“We say long live October 7, which has brought the Palestinian struggle to the top of the agenda of global politics,” Al-Rehab said in the opening remarks.
Hamad told Al-Rehab that thanks to Western support and its strong economy, Israel “reached the level of normalization with countries in the region to reinforce itself as an element of the region,” but the attacks “turned the tables on this whole view.”"

We see over and over how Islam says in its heart, 'there is no God'.

Actually, they do believe in a god, and even call him the creator and some parts of the q'ran contain ishmaelite-viewpoint distortions of parts of the Bible.

However, islam is an evil, works-based, anti-God, anti-Bible, anti-Israel, and anti-Christian religion, which satan has crafted with great cunning and skill, in part using perverted, corrupted, and twisted extracts of the Bible, to deceive, destroy, and devour all, whom he can :mad: :apost: :ban:

The four types of lies, which muslims are allowed or commanded by islam (depending on the situation) reveal what satan has done with the parts of the Bible he has corrupted and incorporated into his BIG FAT EVIL LIE.

Takkiya - permissible or obligatory to lie about one's identity - satan does this in the q'ran by lying about his identity as the author and creator of islam and his usurping the title and function of God The Father as Creator.

Tawriya - permissible or obligatory to lie by omission - satan does this in the q'ran by identifying Isa (Jesus) as the Messiah, but fails to inform that it is faith in Jesus alone, which, by God's (NOT allah) grace alone saves people from their sins and Hell, and gives them eternal life in Heaven. By omitting the inconvenient truth that it is NOT by works that people are saved, satan incites and entices people into sinning unto death in jihad, thus leading more victims to eternal death and torment in Hell, in direct opposition to God The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost, who lead people to eternal life in Heaven.

Kitman - permissible or obligatory to lie by telling only part of the truth - satan does this in the q'ran by admitting Isa (Jesus) is the Messiah, identifying Him as the son of Mary, and calling Him a prophet, by denies He is the Son of God, saying allah had no son. Of course allah had no son, as allah is satan couterfeiting himself as God The Father, and it is God The Father, who, via The Holy Ghost, who begat Jesus.

Muruna - flexibility to blend in with surroundings - satan does this by using the Ten Commandments of the Bible in the q'ran to make islam and muslims more acceptable to Christians and fool more people because they appear to have the same moral code as Jewish people and Christians. This deception is so good, that it can fool even Christians into thinking that God The Father and allah are the same, so muslims are simply worshipping God, but missed the boat about Jesus being The Son of God.

:mad: :apost: :ban:

@ GI 2024
