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Grid operator tells Californians to prepare for power conservation

Reuters) - The California Independent System Operator (ISO) on Wednesday told customers to be prepared to conserve energy as forecasts of extreme heat this week are set to raise power demand and could strain the grid.

The grid is stable right now, California ISO said, but it said events that linger for days can overtax generators and cause outages. The grid operator expects higher electricity demand on Wednesday and Thursday, with Thursday set to be the hottest day this week.

"If weather or grid conditions worsen, the ISO may issue a series of emergency notifications to access additional resources, and prepare market participants and the public for potential energy shortages," the ISO said.


Funny how Governor Nuscence plans to ban gas vehicles by 2035 and like the people in the WH are pushing Electric vehicles, banning gas stoves and dryers but the infrastructure is not there to manage so much electricity usage..
Our air conditioners put a strain on the grid as it is and they want us to go electric everything.
How ignorant do they think we are? Ughhh
Electric vehicles, banning gas stoves and dryers but the infrastructure is not there to manage so much electricity usage..
Our air conditioners put a strain on the grid as it is and they want us to go electric everything.

They are planning to add a 70 mile power grid across 3 MD counties, mine included, that will ruin people's property values, close down their farms, etc. The power is to go to VA to be used for "data farms," (probably bit coins) and they wonder why everyone is outraged.
They are planning to add a 70 mile power grid across 3 MD counties, mine included, that will ruin people's property values, close down their farms, etc. The power is to go to VA to be used for "data farms," (probably bit coins) and they wonder why everyone is outraged.

Meta is building a data center in Cheyenne. The common man doesn't want them here but the politicians seem to be falling over themselves in support of it.
Everyone that cares to know does know that the grid is and will further be burdened to use natural gas, coal, etc. to power the electric power plants. They also know there will never be enough charging stations to service a full EV/Hybrid society that no longer can use gasoline. The leaders pushing this are liars.
carbon footprint (if everything's electric, everything can be metered, measured, tracked, rated, allocated, reallocated, withheld, etc.)
social credit scores

(eventually) MOB

Glad I won't be here :big grin; (THANK YOU JESUS!!!)

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
If your methane emissions exceed your 02 intake you will be taxed and your social credit score lowered.

I’m going to seek a patent on my cow muffler design. I figure if I can just get on Shark Tank, I can convince Governor Newtsome to contract Californiay for my first gubment contract.:monkey: