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Greg Laurie lists 4 ways Christians will live as ‘last days believers’ in the End Times


Excerpts from article:

Laurie preached on Sunday the final message in a sermon series about the End Times, with him focusing in part on how Christians should act as the world gets worse before the rapture.

Laurie drew a parallel to the life of Noah, noting that the Bible periodically compares the End Times to the days of Noah, as recorded in the book of Genesis before the global flood occurred.

For his first point on how to live in the End Times, Laurie said, “God revealed secrets to Noah,” noting that Hebrews 11:7 says Noah was “divinely warned of things not yet seen.”

“Christians know things that the world does not know,” Laurie said. “People in the culture today don’t understand why things are unraveling. They don’t understand why government is expanding its control.”


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