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Great Reset Watch: EU Parliament Approves ‘Digital Identity Wallet’

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
EU lawmakers in Strasbourg signed off a European Digital Identity (eID) by a margin of 335 votes in favour to 190 against, and 31 abstentions. The “digital wallet”, which now only needs the effective rubber stamp from the EU Council of Ministers to become law, will contain digital forms of national IDs, driving licenses, banking details, medical prescriptions and other private details of users.

The law provides for free “qualified electronic signatures” for EU wallet users, which are the most trusted, and have the same legal standing as a handwritten signature, as well as wallet-to-wallet interactions, to improve the fluidity of digital exchanges.

Proponents of the measure argued that since the Chinese coronavirus crisis, there has been an increasing move towards the digital, and therefore citizens need a secure means of storing their private information.

“This legislation aims to empower citizens by putting them in full control of the use and sharing of their data. Digital identity has evolved from being a mere convenience to becoming a catalyst for civic involvement, social empowerment, and a means to foster inclusivity in the digital age,” said Croatian socialist MEP Romana Jerković.

They say it will be "voluntary" (until Rev13's mark).

I wonder how everyone will carry this digital ID-- on your phone? It's bad enough to keep your banking apps on your phone, so everything about you on there would be really risky if it was stolen! ...If only they could come up with a way it is always on your person and cant be stolen!
I wonder if they will allow their illegal residents to slip under the radar and avoid this.

Or maybe this digital wallet will be the quick and easy way to make all the illegals/asylum seekers/climate migrants immediately "legal" citizens. Then the govt can wave their magic wand and put $10k in each immigrant's digital wallet. :/
They say it will be "voluntary" (until Rev13's mark).

I wonder how everyone will carry this digital ID-- on your phone? It's bad enough to keep your banking apps on your phone, so everything about you on there would be really risky if it was stolen! ...If only they could come up with a way it is always on your person and cant be stolen!
Yeah you're right. I got my new debit card and on the generic letter it suggested that i transfer my card onto my phone.
Yeah nah thanks.........!!!!!