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Graham Promises 'War' Over Bill That Would Force Chick-Fil-A to Open on Sundays

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) promises war if New York passes a bill forcing Chick-fil-A to open on Sundays.

This week, Graham said he would withhold federal funding from any city or state government that enforces the proposed bill on the popular fast food joint.

Last week, a bill was filed in the New York State Assembly that would require some Chick-fil-A locations to operate every day of the week, despite the restaurant's longstanding policy to keep its doors closed on Sundays for religious reasons.

It would probably take a while for Chick-fil-A to remedy this proposed idiotic law through the courts. The left uses unConstitutional law making to wear down its opposition, knowing that their laws will likely be struck down, but only after massive resources and time have been spent in courtrooms. I'd like to see some legislation that imposes massive restitution and punitive damages on states and municipalities after they lose in court over these unConsitutional laws that hurt Americans. Maybe that would lead to more lawful legislating.