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GOP Rep. Ogles introduces impeachment articles against Biden, Harris

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zephyr
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Let's hope this one sticks!

Tennessee Republican Rep. Andy Ogles introduced articles of impeachment on Monday against President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Ogles’ articles accuse Biden of having "weaponized" the presidency, both in his tenure as president and vice president, to "shield the business and influence peddling schemes of his family from congressional oversight and public accountability."

Additionally, the articles accuse Biden of acting in a "manner contrary to the public trust and subversive of constitutional government, to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States" with his handling of the southern border crisis.

Ogle's effort will likely face an uphill climb in the House, where a small minority of Republicans have pushed for Biden's impeachment.
It's hard to imagine harris as President, but if we discount her demonic laughter she probably can't be any worse than diben.

Does it really matter which one is in the Oval Office? After all, it is the people who are running both Biden and Harris who are actually making the decisions. As long as these faceless people are in control, it won't get better. And what are they planning to do to try and keep themselves in power in 2024? Because they are sure not going to get re-elected based on what they have done since they came to power ... unless a person thinks that wrecking the economy, corrupting the judicial system, making American a laughingstock around the world, and generally making life harder for most Americans are laudable accomplishments.
One of my brothers in CA says even the liberals he knows are disgusted with the way things are going. There's no way a demonrat gets honestly elected to the Presidency in 2024. It's possible that Trump won the real vote in CA last time around. The demonrats have successfully exercised a coup of the USA. They apparently have the apparatus they need in place to continue to rule with plausible deniability about the fraud involved... despite the fraud being committed right in front of our faces.