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Gods name


In the Lords prayer Jesus shows all, the #1 issue involved for all = his Fathers name. As well at John 17:6,26--Jesus shared his Fathers name to his followers and promised to keep on making it known.) He doesn't do that direct, he does it through his true followers.
Back in the 300,s Jerome removed Gods name from the bible against Gods will who put his name in his bible over 7000 places. In Jerome's Latin Vulgate he replaced Gods name=YHWH, or YHVH( tetragramoton)( they arent 100% sure) with GOD or LORD all capitols--It was done by satans will against Gods will, WHY? To mislead. OT nearly 6800 places, as well Jerome told the Catholic leader Gods name belonged in the NT over 200 spots where the OT is quoted and the name should be in the OT. I believe Jerome had originals to use back then.
Here is a prime example of the misleading that it does= Joel 2:21-22-Those who call on the name-YHWH will be saved.--- Quoted 2x in the NT Acts 2:21, Heb 10:13--But since-LORD is in the altered versions, lord is at both NT spots. And since 1Cor 8:6 names Jesus as Lord, all using the altered translations thinks its Jesus' name to be called on but it is not. It is the Fathers name=YHWH that is to be called on.
Some seem to think Jesus is YHWH--But at Psalm 110:1-quoted at Matt 22:44= The utterance of YHWH to my Lord( Jesus is sit at my right hand until i make your enemies your footstool--proving 100% Jesus is not YHWH. But since altered versions has LORD at Ps 110:1--it causes much confusion.
Now one must ask. Why is my religion giving support to satans will using altered translations against Gods will? The New world translation and the divine name kjv( 2015) both have put Gods name back out of Love and respect for Gods will on the matter. Does one think Jesus would use an altered version? Is not being a christian mean to be christlike to the best of ones abilities, then those would keep on making Jesus' Fathers name known like Jesus does.
Does anyone know these history facts?
God has many names...

EL Genesis 7.1

ELOHIM Genesis 17:7
EL SHADDAI Genesis 17:1-2 1
ADONAI Genesis 15:2
YAHWEH or Jehovah Genesis 2:4
YAHWEH-JIREH Genesis 22:14
YAHWEH-ROPHE Exodus 15:22-26
YAHWEH-NISSI Exodus 1:15
YAHWEH-M’KADDESH Leviticus 20:8
YAHWEH-TSIDKENU Jeremiah 23:5-6
YAHWEH-SHAMMAH Ezekiel 48:35
EL ELYON Deuteronomy 26:19
ABHIR Genesis 49:24
KADOSH Psalm 71:22
SHAPHAT Genesis 18:25
EL ELYON Deuteronomy 26:19
ABHIR Genesis 49:24
KADOSH Psalm 71:22
SHAPHAT Genesis 18:25
EL ROI Genesis 16:13
KANNA Exodus 20:5
PALET Psalm 18:2
YESHA “Savior” Jesus Isaiah 43:3
GAOL (Redeemer) Job 19:25
MAGEN Psalm 3:3
EYALUTH Psalm 22:19
TSADDIQ Psalm 7:9
EL-OLAM Genesis 21:33
EL-BERITH Judges 9:46
EL-GIBHOR Isaiah 9:6
ZUR Deuteronomy 32:18
MELEKH Psalm 5:2
32 Names of God and Their Meaning – Bible Facts Press

I wouldn't be able to remember all of God's names but I love calling Him ABBA.
God has many names...

EL Genesis 7.1

ELOHIM Genesis 17:7
EL SHADDAI Genesis 17:1-2 1
ADONAI Genesis 15:2
YAHWEH or Jehovah Genesis 2:4
YAHWEH-JIREH Genesis 22:14
YAHWEH-ROPHE Exodus 15:22-26
YAHWEH-NISSI Exodus 1:15
YAHWEH-M’KADDESH Leviticus 20:8
YAHWEH-TSIDKENU Jeremiah 23:5-6
YAHWEH-SHAMMAH Ezekiel 48:35
EL ELYON Deuteronomy 26:19
ABHIR Genesis 49:24
KADOSH Psalm 71:22
SHAPHAT Genesis 18:25
EL ELYON Deuteronomy 26:19
ABHIR Genesis 49:24
KADOSH Psalm 71:22
SHAPHAT Genesis 18:25
EL ROI Genesis 16:13
KANNA Exodus 20:5
PALET Psalm 18:2
YESHA “Savior” Jesus Isaiah 43:3
GAOL (Redeemer) Job 19:25
MAGEN Psalm 3:3
EYALUTH Psalm 22:19
TSADDIQ Psalm 7:9
EL-OLAM Genesis 21:33
EL-BERITH Judges 9:46
EL-GIBHOR Isaiah 9:6
ZUR Deuteronomy 32:18
MELEKH Psalm 5:2
32 Names of God and Their Meaning – Bible Facts Press

I wouldn't be able to remember all of God's names but I love calling Him ABBA.
I forgot to add

Exodus 3:14
The names for God The Father are also applied to The Son. This is because they are One


And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ”
Exodus 3:14

Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.”
John 8:58

“Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel,
And his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts:
‘I am the First and I am the Last;
Besides Me there is no God."
Isaiah 44:6

'And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me, “Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last"
Revelation 1:17
The names for God The Father are also applied to The Son. This is because they are One


Last november, I put up a Bible study on the hidden Word in Genesis.
I will repeat it here, because it is very telling about the Trinity, Father Son and Holy Spirit.
Together They created the heavens and the earth, and Together They will fullfill every promise and prophecy.


The Hidden Word in Genesis

In the first line of Genesis chapter 1, verse 1, there is a word in Hebrew that has not been translated. It has not been translated into any language, because it is 'untranslatable'. In the AV, Genesis 1 verse 1 says: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." In Hebrew it says, “In the beginning God ( ... ) created the heavens and the earth.”

The additional word is the Hebrew letter Aleph followed by the Hebrew letter Tav. Although it cannot be translated into one word, it is a profound revelation of Gods entire plan of redemption, hidden in plain sight in the first line of the Bible. But you can only 'see' it in Hebrew!

The first letter, Aleph (א), is the very first letter of the Hebrew alphabet (the beginning). The second letter is the Hebrew letter Tav, which is - not coincidentally - the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Tav (ת) is the last (until the end). So the missing word is Aleph-Tav and looks like this: את (Hebrew is read from right to left) In Hebrew, saying 'Aleph and Tav' is the same as saying 'A to Z' in English . In Greek it is 'Alpha and Omega'.

So, if we add this Word to our translation, Genesis 1 verse 1 actually says, "In the beginning God (the A and Z, the beginning and the end) created the heavens and the earth."

Jesus (Yeshua) is called the "Alpha and the Omega" four times, "the beginning and the end". All four of these references to Himself are found in the last book of the Bible, the Book of Revelation (1.8, 1.11, 21.6, 22.13). And yet in the Hebrew Bible, He is called that at the beginning, in the first line of Genesis!

Hebrew is the language of God. Paul was a Jew and he says this plainly in the New Testament when he tells King Agrippa about his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus.

And I heard a voice speaking unto me, saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?” “And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom you persecute.”
So Jesus spoke in Hebrew, the 'Lashon Kodesh', which literally means 'the Holy Tongue'.

Among the Jewish people, the Biblical Hebrew language is so highly revered that even today Torah writers will bury the Hebrew if they make a mistake in a scroll. They don't just throw it away. This is because they, like Christians, believe that this is the living word of God.

So, for centuries, the Scribes have copied this “extra” Hebrew word, even though some of them do not know what it fully means in its entirety. Such is their respect for God's Word as it was originally written.

Now let's look at the meaning of each of these two Hebrew letters in this hidden word. The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet – aleph – is considered extremely important. Not only does it have a meaning, but the letter Aleph represents God Himself. This is because it is the first letter of the alphabet, comes before everything else and is a silent letter in itself. Just as God was silent before He spoke creation into existence. The letter Aleph only makes a sound if you place small vowel signs under or around it. So it can make different sounds depending on which little 'vowel marks' you add. Just as God makes different “sounds” through each of the gifts He gives us as we submit to Him.

The first letter, Aleph ‎"ת" means: "Power, Leader, Ox" And the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Tav "א" means: "Mark, Sign and Covenant

Now we can see that the LORD of the Bible has hidden a beautiful meaning and depth in the first line of Hebrew: "In the beginning God (the A and Z, the beginning and the end, God who was the Power, the Leader and the Ox who was a Mark, Sign and Covenant) created the heavens and the earth."

To a Christian this is so clearly a description of our Lord Jesus Christ. So Jesus (Yeshua) is in the first line of the Bible in Hebrew! The Hidden Word is like a neon sign that tells us Who the Messiah is, but it is turned off in English, and flashing in Hebrew. It cannot be seen until one sees Yeshua as Messiah.

But there's more!

If we go back in time, every Hebrew letter also has an age-old image, a picture, if you like.

The icon for Aleph is an ox head. Jesus called Himself an Ox. He says His yoke is easy (Matthew 11:29-30). In the Jewish faith, the responsibility of living a Torah-obedient life is called “the yoke of the Torah.” It is the unique responsibility of the Jewish people to the nations described in the Bible. (Deuteronomy 26:17-19 and Isaiah 49:6) But it is a heavy yoke, one that comes with the responsibility to live and obey all 613 laws in the Bible. No human can accomplish that. It is tiring. It is an impossible yoke that only a perfect man can fulfill.

In the Old Testament the ox also seems to signify the Messiah. In Ezekiel 1.10, God describes the four characteristics of Himself using four 'faces'. One is an eagle, one is a lion, one is a human and one is an ox. The ox represents the serving face of God, the one who takes on our burden. Yet it is not a photo of a whole Ox. The icon for the letter Aleph is only the ox head. So even in the state of being a servant, Jesus says that He is the Head. This paradox is so deeply true! An ox head - serving authority.

But it gets even more perfect and even more amazing. For what is the icon for the second letter in this hidden word in Genesis? What is the icon for Tav? The icon for Tav is a crucifix! So for centuries, Christians have worn the icon of the Hebrew letter Tav around their neck!

A Hebrew-speaking Jew who knew their icons would therefore see around your neck the letter meaning: “Mark, Sign, Covenant that was crucified!” But if they don't "see" it, it's not because they're somehow stupid or forgotten by God. It is because He has blinded them temporarily (Romans 11).

But the day will come, when God Himself will lift the veil from the eyes of His beloved people, the Jews, and they will see Yeshua HaMoschiach, sitting there in the first line of the Torah.

Thread 'The Hidden Word in Genesis'

Last november, I put up a Bible study on the hidden Word in Genesis.
I will repeat it here, because it is very telling a out the Trinity, Father Son and Holy Spirit.
Together They created the heavens and the earth, and Together They will fullfill every promise and prophecy.


The Hidden Word in Genesis

In the first line of Genesis chapter 1, verse 1, there is a word in Hebrew that has not been translated. It has not been translated into any language, because it is 'untranslatable'. In the AV, Genesis 1 verse 1 says: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." In Hebrew it says, “In the beginning God ( ... ) created the heavens and the earth.”

The additional word is the Hebrew letter Aleph followed by the Hebrew letter Tav. Although it cannot be translated into one word, it is a profound revelation of Gods entire plan of redemption, hidden in plain sight in the first line of the Bible. But you can only 'see' it in Hebrew!

The first letter, Aleph (א), is the very first letter of the Hebrew alphabet (the beginning). The second letter is the Hebrew letter Tav, which is - not coincidentally - the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Tav (ת) is the last (until the end). So the missing word is Aleph-Tav and looks like this: את (Hebrew is read from right to left) In Hebrew, saying 'Aleph and Tav' is the same as saying 'A to Z' in English . In Greek it is 'Alpha and Omega'.

So, if we add this Word to our translation, Genesis 1 verse 1 actually says, "In the beginning God (the A and Z, the beginning and the end) created the heavens and the earth."

Jesus (Yeshua) is called the "Alpha and the Omega" four times, "the beginning and the end". All four of these references to Himself are found in the last book of the Bible, the Book of Revelation (1.8, 1.11, 21.6, 22.13). And yet in the Hebrew Bible, He is called that at the beginning, in the first line of Genesis!

Hebrew is the language of God. Paul was a Jew and he says this plainly in the New Testament when he tells King Agrippa about his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus.

And I heard a voice speaking unto me, saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?” “And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom you persecute.”
So Jesus spoke in Hebrew, the 'Lashon Kodesh', which literally means 'the Holy Tongue'.

Among the Jewish people, the Biblical Hebrew language is so highly revered that even today Torah writers will bury the Hebrew if they make a mistake in a scroll. They don't just throw it away. This is because they, like Christians, believe that this is the living word of God.

So, for centuries, the Scribes have copied this “extra” Hebrew word, even though some of them do not know what it fully means in its entirety. Such is their respect for God's Word as it was originally written.

Now let's look at the meaning of each of these two Hebrew letters in this hidden word. The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet – aleph – is considered extremely important. Not only does it have a meaning, but the letter Aleph represents God Himself. This is because it is the first letter of the alphabet, comes before everything else and is a silent letter in itself. Just as God was silent before He spoke creation into existence. The letter Aleph only makes a sound if you place small vowel signs under or around it. So it can make different sounds depending on which little 'vowel marks' you add. Just as God makes different “sounds” through each of the gifts He gives us as we submit to Him.

The first letter, Aleph ‎"ת" means: "Power, Leader, Ox" And the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Tav "א" means: "Mark, Sign and Covenant

Now we can see that the LORD of the Bible has hidden a beautiful meaning and depth in the first line of Hebrew: "In the beginning God (the A and Z, the beginning and the end, God who was the Power, the Leader and the Ox who was a Mark, Sign and Covenant) created the heavens and the earth."

To a Christian this is so clearly a description of our Lord Jesus Christ. So Jesus (Yeshua) is in the first line of the Bible in Hebrew! The Hidden Word is like a neon sign that tells us Who the Messiah is, but it is turned off in English, and flashing in Hebrew. It cannot be seen until one sees Yeshua as Messiah.

But there's more!

If we go back in time, every Hebrew letter also has an age-old image, a picture, if you like.

The icon for Aleph is an ox head. Jesus called Himself an Ox. He says His yoke is easy (Matthew 11:29-30). In the Jewish faith, the responsibility of living a Torah-obedient life is called “the yoke of the Torah.” It is the unique responsibility of the Jewish people to the nations described in the Bible. (Deuteronomy 26:17-19 and Isaiah 49:6) But it is a heavy yoke, one that comes with the responsibility to live and obey all 613 laws in the Bible. No human can accomplish that. It is tiring. It is an impossible yoke that only a perfect man can fulfill.

In the Old Testament the ox also seems to signify the Messiah. In Ezekiel 1.10, God describes the four characteristics of Himself using four 'faces'. One is an eagle, one is a lion, one is a human and one is an ox. The ox represents the serving face of God, the one who takes on our burden. Yet it is not a photo of a whole Ox. The icon for the letter Aleph is only the ox head. So even in the state of being a servant, Jesus says that He is the Head. This paradox is so deeply true! An ox head - serving authority.

But it gets even more perfect and even more amazing. For what is the icon for the second letter in this hidden word in Genesis? What is the icon for Tav? The icon for Tav is a crucifix! So for centuries, Christians have worn the icon of the Hebrew letter Tav around their neck!

A Hebrew-speaking Jew who knew their icons would therefore see around your neck the letter meaning: “Mark, Sign, Covenant that was crucified!” But if they don't "see" it, it's not because they're somehow stupid or forgotten by God. It is because He has blinded them temporarily (Romans 11).

But the day will come, when God Himself will lift the veil from the eyes of His beloved people, the Jews, and they will see Yeshua HaMoschiach, sitting there in the first line of the Torah.

Thread 'The Hidden Word in Genesis'
Thank you Thank you for this amazing blessing. God is so awesome 🥰
In the Lords prayer Jesus shows all, the #1 issue involved for all = his Fathers name. As well at John 17:6,26--Jesus shared his Fathers name to his followers and promised to keep on making it known.) He doesn't do that direct, he does it through his true followers.
Back in the 300,s Jerome removed Gods name from the bible against Gods will who put his name in his bible over 7000 places. In Jerome's Latin Vulgate he replaced Gods name=YHWH, or YHVH( tetragramoton)( they arent 100% sure) with GOD or LORD all capitols--It was done by satans will against Gods will, WHY? To mislead. OT nearly 6800 places, as well Jerome told the Catholic leader Gods name belonged in the NT over 200 spots where the OT is quoted and the name should be in the OT. I believe Jerome had originals to use back then.
Here is a prime example of the misleading that it does= Joel 2:21-22-Those who call on the name-YHWH will be saved.--- Quoted 2x in the NT Acts 2:21, Heb 10:13--But since-LORD is in the altered versions, lord is at both NT spots. And since 1Cor 8:6 names Jesus as Lord, all using the altered translations thinks its Jesus' name to be called on but it is not. It is the Fathers name=YHWH that is to be called on.
Some seem to think Jesus is YHWH--But at Psalm 110:1-quoted at Matt 22:44= The utterance of YHWH to my Lord( Jesus is sit at my right hand until i make your enemies your footstool--proving 100% Jesus is not YHWH. But since altered versions has LORD at Ps 110:1--it causes much confusion.
Now one must ask. Why is my religion giving support to satans will using altered translations against Gods will? The New world translation and the divine name kjv( 2015) both have put Gods name back out of Love and respect for Gods will on the matter. Does one think Jesus would use an altered version? Is not being a christian mean to be christlike to the best of ones abilities, then those would keep on making Jesus' Fathers name known like Jesus does.
Does anyone know these history facts?
@servant, precious soul please stop listening to the Watchtower Society. The information they are giving you is just plain wrong. Especially when it comes to Scripture and its interpretation. I know they have probably convinced you that their New World Translation is the only one that accurately represents the Word of God. Nothing could be further from the truth. The New World so-called Translation is a highly flawed document that actually changes the Bible from what God gave to us. It does this by mistranslating the original Greek and Hebrew and changing words meanings in certain key verses in order to support their doctrine which, in certain key instances, actually runs counter to YHWH's own Word. Now, without any doubt whatsoever, those responsible WILL stand before Him and they WILL find their place in the Lake of Fire for all eternity.

This is no small thing. Please don't think I'm just trying to pick on you, because I'm not. But as an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ I cannot stand by and watch a precious soul such as you continue to be led astray. I know the things you say come from a sincere heart; and you desperately want to help other people understand the truth. However I can tell you with all confidence and sincerity that what you have been taught is not the truth of the Word of God. Please don't think I'm here to trick you. I swear before the Lord God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth and all that exists in Creation, that I care deeply for your soul. And in the name of YHWH I state that the Society has lied to you. Please believe that I am prepared to do whatever it takes to help you see where they have led you into error. If you truly love the Lord God as I believe you do, I pray you will allow me to share with you. And if you prefer privacy, we can do it via private message.
@servant, precious soul please stop listening to the Watchtower Society. The information they are giving you is just plain wrong. Especially when it comes to Scripture and its interpretation. I know they have probably convinced you that their New World Translation is the only one that accurately represents the Word of God. Nothing could be further from the truth. The New World so-called Translation is a highly flawed document that actually changes the Bible from what God gave to us. It does this by mistranslating the original Greek and Hebrew and changing words meanings in certain key verses in order to support their doctrine which, in certain key instances, actually runs counter to YHWH's own Word. Now, without anything yet whatsoever, those responsible WILL stand before Him and they WILL find their place in the Lake of Fire for all eternity.

This is no small thing. Please don't think I'm just trying to pick on you, because I'm not. But as an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ I cannot stand by and watch a precious soul such as you continue to be led astray. I know the things you say come from a sincere heart; and you desperately want to help other people understand the truth. However I can tell you with all confidence and sincerity that what you have been taught is not the truth of the Word of God. Please don't think I'm here to trick you. I swear before the Lord God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth and all that exists in Creation, that I care deeply for your soul. And in the name of YHWH I state that the Society has lied to you. Please believe that I am prepared to do whatever it takes to help you see where they have led you into error. If you truly love the Lord God as I believe you do, I pray you will allow me to share with you. And if you prefer privacy, we can do it via private message.
I've been praying for God to give clarity of Truth 🙏
Does one really believe God has a God? John 20:17, Rev 3:12
(KJV)John 10:26But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. 27My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 28And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.

Verse 30 I and my father are one.
(KJV) John 8:57Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? 58Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you,

Before Abraham was, I am.
(KJV) John1:1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2The same was in the beginning with God. 3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

Verse 14: And the Word was made flesh,

and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
I looked it all up. Its 100% recorded history fact.
It is as well recorded fact in the Greek lexicons at both John 1:1 and 2 Cor 4:4--the only 2 spots where 2 beings are called God-god in the NT= The true God at both spots is called Ton Theon,= God, both the Word and satan are called Theos to show a clear difference=god small g when in the same paragraph with Ton Theon. At minimum 20 translations( by unbias Greek scholars) in history with a god at John 1:1, 3 had was divine, 1 had was godlike --small g god means has godlike qualities.
In 1822 Abner Kneeland translated the NT, he compared Greek to English side by side to prove to the world-a god is correct to the word at John 1:1. Fact-- translating works the same at both those NT spots i shared. So either satan gets God( we all know he is not God) or the Word gets a god.
Hebrew scholars say-there is no statement in their Hebrew written ot that translates-i am that i am---i will be what i will be is correct.
There is no literal Eternal suffering. The lake of fire= the second death, there is no life in death nor thought. Only a sadist would create a literal eternal suffering, God is love.
So you don't believe in Jesus diety? You think John 1:1 is translated "a god" when referring to Jesus?
That's not accurate translation of scripture.
Does one really believe God has a God? John 20:17, Rev 3:12
You are allowing the JW’s and their literature to filter what God is trying to teach you about Himself. Read the Bible (not the corrupted New World translation, but the King James, New King James or NASB) and ask God to show you who Jesus really is. If you do this, I promise you that He will! You can read what Jesus said about Himself. Everything that came out of his own mouth, as well as His miracles and His bodily resurrection, attest to the fact that He is, was and always will be GOD.

I do believe that God led you here. Satan wants to keep you arguing with us, to keep you away from knowing the Truth. Pastor Adrian (MattFiveFour) has reached out to you in love. Why don’t you take advantage of what he is offering you?
I looked it all up. Its 100% recorded history fact.
It is as well recorded fact in the Greek lexicons at both John 1:1 and 2 Cor 4:4--the only 2 spots where 2 beings are called God-god in the NT= The true God at both spots is called Ton Theon,= God, both the Word and satan are called Theos to show a clear difference=god small g when in the same paragraph with Ton Theon. At minimum 20 translations( by unbias Greek scholars) in history with a god at John 1:1, 3 had was divine, 1 had was godlike --small g god means has godlike qualities.
In 1822 Abner Kneeland translated the NT, he compared Greek to English side by side to prove to the world-a god is correct to the word at John 1:1. Fact-- translating works the same at both those NT spots i shared. So either satan gets God( we all know he is not God) or the Word gets a god.
Hebrew scholars say-there is no statement in their Hebrew written ot that translates-i am that i am---i will be what i will be is correct.
There is no literal Eternal suffering. The lake of fire= the second death, there is no life in death nor thought. Only a sadist would create a literal eternal suffering, God is love.
So much of what you say identifies with the teachings of Jehovah's witnesses. I recognize the theology because I was in there for eleven years and by The Grace of God I was saved and released from the bondage of lies from false religion that does not save.
I'm praying for you because Jesus died for the world, but only the Truth of Jesus gospel will save, and I pray your eyes and heart will be opened to His truth. I say this in love. 🙏❤️