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Global Government Rising


Video from this morning....

Pastor Curt Reed on Hope for Our Times Through The Lens
As he describes the foundation being laid for the prophetic One World Government and explains the various global organizations goals that lead to the same place, a One World Government. How all of these global organizations are against Israel.
He also reveals that it's not only the OWG in the works but the plan to genetically change humans to a human 2.0 through DNA manipulation with the words of Klaus Schwab himself on video.
The foundation is being put in place to hand over to the final Antichrist.
This and more ....

29:29 minutes

Thanks 1LoverofGod. Thank you for your kind concen. And I appreciate all who have this concern. Because we do seem to radically be falling to deeper grounds of Vanity Fair. I too believe that a one world government is slated during the tribulation. And we certainly can see signs of it today all over the place. From the UN charters 2030 (COP 18) to the WEF, to Bill Gates, to the Western Nation Globalist Strategies of immigrant take over to redirect the core tenants of national identity to fit a redesigned globalist version of it.

I would stress though something good I believe to keep in mind. In Daniel 2, I am amazed that this being the word of God has been seen through the filter of contemporary society as something a bit different. Had we not Dan 2, we would conclude that what the tribulation brings is a one world government that is the hammer of the world and take over every bit of known land and forces all its subject to its bidding. In this I believe we tend to exult the one of whom this world is in the lap thereof. And I see a different prophecy from Daniel.

40&nbsp;Then there will be a fourth kingdom as strong as iron; just as iron smashes and crushes everything, so, like iron that crushes, it will smash and crush all these things. 41&nbsp;And in that you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, it will be a divided kingdom; but it will have within it some of the toughness of iron, since you saw the iron mixed with [<a href="Bible Gateway passage: Daniel 2 - New International Version" title="See footnote al">al</a>]common clay. 42&nbsp;And just as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of pottery, so some of the kingdom will be strong, and part of it will be fragile. 43&nbsp;In that you saw the iron mixed with [<a href="Bible Gateway passage: Daniel 2 - New International Version" title="See footnote am">am</a>]common clay, they will combine with one another [<a href="Bible Gateway passage: Daniel 2 - New International Version" title="See footnote an">an</a>]in [<a href="Bible Gateway passage: Daniel 2 - New International Version" title="See footnote ao">ao</a>]their descendants; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not combine with pottery.

A prophecy that more than suggests that even in its greatest hour, a one world government willl be divided and at best soft in many areas because of its division. This may not seem as exciting as turning the world into droids. But I would just suggest we consider how the words of the prophet Daniel contrast some tendencies in the watcher movement today though, kindly.

. . . . .

Some know of my end times view and where it differs. There are specific features to it. And at least one of them is counterintuitive to what we tend to go with at times. That is, the NWO now seems to be only a mirror of a later group to reimerge. And I suggest "reemerge" because I believe we will see the destruction of globalism and the NWO. I don't hear this anywhere. But at times Tom Hughes might have had an open mind to. And at times it seems that Jack Hibbs might too. Other than that, even Billy Crone who is a staunch advocate of the NWO control forcing our way into the tribulation has also stated in some studies that there may be a hope in which God interferes. It is on this sensitivity of Billy's and Jack's, and Tom's that I would put forth at this hour an interesting social artifict. The concern of Europe to lose its union grip. The Western World center of globalism NWO proper. Should America not preserve her more prestine sense of her Republic, she would become the United States of Europe. But God.

SIx Months Ago

A Few Days Ago

I believe we might be on the verge of the NWO collapse. Something if occurs we would not seem to have too much context prophetically for. In the event it does collapse,, I would just suggest that Billy, Jack, and Tom might have a slight beat on what this could imply. We are all falable, so perhaps not. But as far as I have been able to detect, they might have belwhether indicators God might grant insight to as we go...just in case...noted. Blessings.