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Global Government Is No Conspiracy Theory


They don't hide it but most churches are unaware of it and even he fact that they celebrate the coming global government and Antichrist and whore of Babylon with occult ceremonies based on Bible prophecy. Everything is foretold openly in public, and it has real teeth in law, though you may not know that.

I once had a David Vs Goliath situation when British Telecom accused me of fraud and issued me with Cease & Desist notice for a marketing campaign I organized. They called my office but I wasn't in, but a friend took the call when he heard that is was the BT lawyer on the phone looking for me.

What the BT lawyer didn't realize was he was talking to an international tax lawyer.

Long story short: when I came into the office my friend had a script written out for me, so I called the BT lawyer who thought he was gong to scare the pants off me. However, I began by explaining he was in breech of the Treaty of Rome and I suggested he hand in his resignation or give me an apology because by close of business I was going to the press.

A few hours later he was calling me back with an apology and giving me a reference number should anyone ever ask any questions about my marketing campaign and that I had authority to use the BT logo, something that a blue chip company never hands out to 3rd parties.

When you read this article, remember this story. What you are reading about is not some dusty files that have no impact in our lives, the Club of Rome and the Treaty of Rome among others is a powerful legal document, and all these agreement have teeth and very soon we shall be made fully aware of this.

They don't hide it but most churches are unaware of it and even he fact that they celebrate the coming global government and Antichrist and whore of Babylon with occult ceremonies based on Bible prophecy. Everything is foretold openly in public, and it has real teeth in law, though you may not know that.

I once had a David Vs Goliath situation when British Telecom accused me of fraud and issued me with Cease & Desist notice for a marketing campaign I organized. They called my office but I wasn't in, but a friend took the call when he heard that is was the BT lawyer on the phone looking for me.

What the BT lawyer didn't realize was he was talking to an international tax lawyer.

Long story short: when I came into the office my friend had a script written out for me, so I called the BT lawyer who thought he was gong to scare the pants off me. However, I began by explaining he was in breech of the Treaty of Rome and I suggested he hand in his resignation or give me an apology because by close of business I was going to the press.

A few hours later he was calling me back with an apology and giving me a reference number should anyone ever ask any questions about my marketing campaign and that I had authority to use the BT logo, something that a blue chip company never hands out to 3rd parties.

When you read this article, remember this story. What you are reading about is not some dusty files that have no impact in our lives, the Club of Rome and the Treaty of Rome among others is a powerful legal document, and all these agreement have teeth and very soon we shall be made fully aware of this.

I've seen the Club of Rome map they made up of Ten Regions that would be proposed to rule over in the New World Order.
I found that interesting that it was Ten Regions considering the Fourth Beast of Daniel 7 is made up of Ten Kings.
Either they read the Bible or satan inspired them to think to form Ten Regions since satan knows the Bible.
From the latest article posted by @PaidInFull --
Peter Thiel makes something like this point, in his observation that the biggest risk of all which humanity faces is probably a totalitarian world government which, precisely because it covers the whole world, cannot be escaped. This is the real threat posed by government as such (remembering that it is the state which is the tool of government and not vice versa), and, in representing the extinction of human freedom, it would be far more damaging than any individual pathogen, trade war, environmental disaster or financial crisis.

The question which we really need to ask, in other words, is not whether there are risks that come into existence as a result of the world becoming more interconnected, but rather what those risks really are. And sensible people would come to the conclusion that they are in fact political rather than genuinely ‘existential’ – they come not from the realm of the exogenous but rather emerge from the very project of managing existential risk through global governance itself. To put things very bluntly, a future of “permanent crisis and breakdown” is much more likely to emerge from authoritarian attempts to stave off such a future than the emergence of particular events (pandemics, financial crises, environmental disaster, etc.) in themselves. Our problem, in other words, is government

Exactly! This article is spot on.
Reading what he said in that article doesn't sound like a warning but a statement.
I've read extensive background on that man and he doesn't have people's best interest.
There will be a lot of people who advocate for a one world government but little by little the lights start to go on. I have a friend who gets invited to the WEF events with world leaders because he brings in tens of billions of investment on one hand and also is given tens of billions to buy land with.

When you read of China buying land in the USA, that's him. He's atheist and I tell him about prophecy. He travels with a team of about 20 Chinese and when he wants to buy land he doesn't ask the Bank of China for finance, he tells them what to finance because the CCP has given instructions to the bank to do as he asks.

Then suddenly a red star was sent to join the team. A red star wears the Mao red star and carries the little red book and everyone is afraid of a bad report being sent to his masters in the CCP. He tells me there are 5,000 red stars sent out and now the whole dynamics of the team has changed from enjoying each others company and talking freely to one of fear.

Now he is making Plan B for foreign citizenship and a place to bolt to but the reality is, there is nowhere to go. Even buying a boat to live on has more restrictions that living in a house.

The great plan of the NWO is like a spiders web. Some wake up to a single thread, some to a few threads but few wake up to the web.
From the article:
"This all brings to mind Michel Foucault’s account of the emergence of the state in early modernity. Foucault describes that emergence as being, in essence, an epistemological or metaphysical phenomenon rather than a political or social one. For the medieval mind, the world’s significance was spiritual – it was a staging post before Rapture, and what mattered was salvation. The world was therefore not so much an empirical phenomenon as a theological one – it was governed not by physics but by “signs, prodigies, marvels and monstrosities that were so many threats of chastisement, promises of salvation, or marks of election”. It was not something to be altered, but was rather a “system of obedience” to God’s will.

However, beginning in the early modern period, there began a great epistemological rupture: it became possible to understand the world as having an existence independent of God, and being organised therefore by what we would nowadays call science. Now, all of a sudden (though obviously the story played out over many generations) the world became something that had temporal rather than spiritual significance, and the people in it began to be seen as not merely souls awaiting the Second Coming, but populations whose material and moral conditions could be improved by action in the world itself. And this meant that people began to imagine that a ruler’s duty was not just to be a sovereign but to ‘govern’ in the sense of making things better in this life rather than the next.

jump to the end...
Our problem, in other words, is government – understood, at the risk of repeating myself, as that activity which conceives of the world as its field of action, as something to be known, understood, studied, manipulated and improved, in the absence or irrelevance of God – and that is precisely a problem that global governance is uniquely incapable of solving."
I like how the author captures hundreds of years. I think of the Book of Daniel and Nebuchadnezzer's dream. The worst part of the statue are the feet and it seems to describe our world.

I'm not surprised that Peter Thiel and others in conversations with globalists are telling us how dangerous it is. I'm surprised that anyone could imagine it will succeed. Unless you're Yuval Noah Harari.

Machiavellianism would see global governance as achievable through treachery, any means possible. When they tried Covid 19 to instill mass obedience and they failed, it scared some of them. They'll try again but we sheepeople are wary now.

Their preferred method of convincing us that we need them to govern may switch from mass false advertising and cajoling us with 'it's for the greater good' to force.
There will be a lot of people who advocate for a one world government but little by little the lights start to go on. I have a friend who gets invited to the WEF events with world leaders because he brings in tens of billions of investment on one hand and also is given tens of billions to buy land with.

When you read of China buying land in the USA, that's him. He's atheist and I tell him about prophecy. He travels with a team of about 20 Chinese and when he wants to buy land he doesn't ask the Bank of China for finance, he tells them what to finance because the CCP has given instructions to the bank to do as he asks.

Then suddenly a red star was sent to join the team. A red star wears the Mao red star and carries the little red book and everyone is afraid of a bad report being sent to his masters in the CCP. He tells me there are 5,000 red stars sent out and now the whole dynamics of the team has changed from enjoying each others company and talking freely to one of fear.

Now he is making Plan B for foreign citizenship and a place to bolt to but the reality is, there is nowhere to go. Even buying a boat to live on has more restrictions that living in a house.

The great plan of the NWO is like a spiders web. Some wake up to a single thread, some to a few threads but few wake up to the web.
For decades the NWO was most often called a conspiracy theory and those who were strategizing it would be in secret planning their agenda. They had hoped for their agenda 21 to mark the beginning of their global control but it didn't happen as planned.
But since 2020 with the Plannedemic they saw an opportunity to come out in the open to convince the masses who had become so fearful that they succumbed to the idea that only government could protect them and save them from catastrophies. So they drew up their new agenda and put their goal to be met by 2030.
While many like Yuval Harrari are vocal and in an as a matter of fact way can speak of control and depopulation of the human race and whoever is left to change into trans humans, others remain not so obvious because otherwise how could the globalists convince the skeptical who aren't willing to submit to the globalists? So this is where deception plays out.
Get people's confidence that they can be trusted and they will give these skeptical people what they want while still lining up with the globalists agenda but repackaging it to make it more appealing.
If anyone does enough research on the globalists agenda, they've been crafty about it and have used deception in many ways to cause people to be agreeable to it. But what would we expect from those who have sold their souls to the devil?
I was always a firm Republican supporter in politics until I discovered that even within the Republican party the globalists have embedded themselves and have deceived many.
I'm not talking about the so called RINO's, but those who have deceived many to believe they're really conservative and look out for keeping our Republic.
For instance The Bushes are globalists. When I saw a video of the first President Bush advocating for the New World Order, it surprised me. And come to find out he was a globalist. The same for the son.
The globalists have infiltrated every institution in America and yes even in churches. We have an entire new generation of different values. Ungodly and unlawful values.
It's taken decades but it's come to reality that the infiltration of the globalists is starting to that show it's succeeding as we are seeing this country dramatically change in culture towards what they have wanted, to destroy the America from it's foundation and create order out of chaos to make people believe only a world government can save this country.
Why do the globalists push abortion? Depopulation.
Why do they push the LGBT lifestyle as acceptable?
Recently there was a video released of one of the members of the Club of Rome saying that depopulation was necessary and it would happen, "in a peaceful way". There you go.
There's so much many don't realize why they do what they do.
As Christians it's important to be aware and be careful not to be deceived by the things satan controls. But those things aren't to be for us to dwell on as though our God hasn't already known the end from the beginning and has already told us in His Word that Jesus is returning to deal with these people and will judge them with The Sword coming from His mouth.
And we Christians are coming With Jesus to battle against evil government and those who support it and we Win!
Glory to God and to our Lord Jesus!

11 "Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. 12 His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. 13 He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. 14 And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. 15 Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. 16 And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written:


The Beast and His Armies Defeated

17 Then I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds that fly in the midst of heaven, “Come and gather together for the supper of the great God, 18 that you may eat the flesh of kings, the flesh of captains, the flesh of mighty men, the flesh of horses and of those who sit on them, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, both small and great.”

19 And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. 20 Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. 21 And the rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse. And all the birds were filled with their flesh."
Revelation 19:11-21

"And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever."
Daniel 2:44