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Global Antisemitism

Almost Heaven

As I sit here reading though Israeli news sources, I was struck by this. The headlines are only from JPost and only from the front page today of their website. I can't even imagine how much is out there is you wanted to do a comprehensive search...

Jewish children savagely beaten by man in New York City attack

Israeli Jewish teen beaten on ground, then blamed at Canadian high school

Stockholm Police investigate shooting near Israeli embassy

US campus anti-Israel protests have come to Australia, influencer says

Knife-wielding woman roams London street threatening Jews
It's spreading like wildfire. It feels like the world is in Nazi Germany in the late 1930s.

Olivier Melnick shares his family’s history of being separated during the Holocaust, about farmers hiding his mother in France, and warns that history is repeating itself.

Praying the evil culprit in the attack on the children is found ... AND PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW!!!

Interesting that on their front page there is a story quoting the US Secretary of State as expressing extreme concern about threats to the LGBTQ+ community. I guess in this current administration's eyes Jews are of less concern than gays
Never thought in my life I would see on a global scale what is happening to the Jews.

Victory for now the dark one can smile about, but his, and all his followers' time will come for judgement. The days or even years evil ones enjoyed tormenting others, will soon be forgotten by them as the enter into eternity, permanently separated from God, having never ending torment inflicted upon them.
Whenever I mention to people that the antisemitism is off the charts, increasing in activity, and is worldwide, the statement is just dismissed. Everyone replies that antisemitism has always been around, whether or not it has been overt or acceptable.
Antisemitism just doesn't seem to bother most people. Or, they arent taking notice.

If I were Jewish, I'd be very scared of all that's happening. Part of my family is Jewish, and my cousin who is a very proud Jew, is not scared; instead, he is passionately angry and ready to rise up!! I'm waiting to see if he might end up feeling he should move his young family to Israel.

It's the antisemitism that is really making me realize how bad the Tribulation will be.
Whenever I mention to people that the antisemitism is off the charts, increasing in activity, and is worldwide, the statement is just dismissed. Everyone replies that antisemitism has always been around, whether or not it has been overt or acceptable.
Antisemitism just doesn't seem to bother most people. Or, they arent taking notice.

If I were Jewish, I'd be very scared of all that's happening. Part of my family is Jewish, and my cousin who is a very proud Jew, is not scared; instead, he is passionately angry and ready to rise up!! I'm waiting to see if he might end up feeling he should move his young family to Israel.

It's the antisemitism that is really making me realize how bad the Tribulation will be.
Yeah it's very sad , especially how the bible says that only a faithful remnant of Jew will survive the tribulation.
Catholics and Eastern Orthodox are all tripping over themselves to disparage the Jews. They are happy to indict God with being a covenant breaker and they are none too bothered by the implications of the idea.

Most non-Baptist Protestant churches (Lutheran, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methodist) also have replacement theology doctrine :mad:
However, most members don't even know replacement theology exists, don't know it's part of their denomination's theology/doctrine, and don't really understand it if they do know. Even if they do know and understand replacement theology, most lay Protestants still support Israel and the Jews, even if it's only out of sentimentality/respect for the Jewish people and Holy Land/Bible history and/or hatred/fear of the muslims/terrorists. It's mostly out of the mouths of Clergy that I hear replacement theology :fear: :puke:

The only Lutheran denomination I know of that rejects replacement theology is the Lutheran Brethren, which officially teaches and preaches Pre-Trib/Pre-Millennialism (although allows eschatology to be an open question), so by doctrine has to reject replacement theology to be systematically consistent with regard to theology and doctrine. The Baptists and most non-denominational churches are pre-Trib, so also generally reject replacement theology. There are some culturally-driven exceptions in which people's deep-seated hatred/prejudice drive Church teaching and practice more than theology/doctrine :mad:

No idea about Charismatics, Pentecostals, Assemblies of God, Nazarenes, etc.

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:

Jewish children savagely beaten by man in New York City attack​

Footage shows a man dismounting from his bicycle and approaching a group of orthodox Jewish children who were playing on the sidewalk.​
