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Fruit-Bearing Faith :: By Nathele Graham

Andy C

Fruit trees are beautiful. They look very dreary until Spring comes and they burst with leaves and flowers. That’s only the start. As the year progresses, fruit begins to form, and each tree will bring forth delicious, nourishing fruit. Before we come to faith in Jesus, life can be pretty dreary. Each day is just like the previous day, with no true joy. You might have had good things in your life but no true joy. The reason for this is your life was as dreary as a fruit tree in winter. You were following the ways of the world, where there is nothing to look forward to except a dreary lifestyle.

Jesus Christ and the promise of Heaven is joyful, and like a fruit tree in Spring, life becomes beautiful. Life has a purpose when Christ is on the throne of your life.

Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; and walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour” (Ephesians 5:1-2).

The Apostle Paul knew what he was talking about. He was a very smart man and a member of the Sanhedrin. His father was a Pharisee, and so was he. The Pharisees were a Jewish religious sect that knew the Law of God but not the grace and love of God. When Jewish people began to follow the teachings of Christ, Paul’s hatred burned. He was feared among the Christians because of his anger. Then, he met Jesus and his life was changed forever.

Paul had been on his way to Damascus to arrest Christians who had fled there to escape persecution, but God intervened. In a miraculous turn of events, Paul met the risen Saviour, and he was given a new outlook on life. It took many years, but eventually, he was called to missionary work. Unlike many modern-day “missionaries,” Paul spread the Gospel and established congregations. He taught God’s truth. His life suddenly had a deeper meaning and a purpose; his anger and hatred were gone.

Not everybody has such a dramatic call to faith as Paul, but everyone has a calling that is important to use for God. Paul urges us to follow God and walk in the love of God.
