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France’s Macron Announces ‘Aid in Dying’ Euthanasia Legislation

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
PARIS (AP) – French President Emmanuel Macron has announced new legislation to legalize “aid in dying” that will allow adults facing end-of-life illness to take lethal medication, a first in the country.

The move follows last year’s report indicating that most French citizens support legalizing end-of-life options.

In an interview published Monday by French newspapers La Croix and Liberation, Macron said the new bill will be restricted to adults suffering from an incurable illness who are expected to die in the “short or middle-term” and who are suffering “intractable” physical or psychological pain.

France is on a roll these days. I would expect Euthanasia on demand to become widely adopted in the Godless west. It makes sense for those of the world.
Sadly, with this type of legislation, what you wind up with is not euthanasia on demand but euthanasia by demand. In other words, the state begins to insist that if you are a drain on the public purse and resources then you should opt for death.
Agreed. They'll go "But didn't you read the legislation? It states nothing of the such!" Well, yes, but that's why we grow and mature and become able to see things coming from ten miles down the road.

I wonder what arbitrary declarations of doom they'll suggest. Anyone with chronic endocrine disorders? Of course, they'd encourage terminal patients to ferry on for good and all. I wonder what age they'd consider too advanced to be fit for purpose? What could go wrong with relativists with so much authority? Shew.
Well here in Canada they are now thinking hard about including depressed suicidal teenagers in the MAID program of govt murder of it's citizens.

They said it would never ever get to that- mentally ill people were supposedly excluded because of not being of sound mind in the decision. But now they want to include teens who aren't able to vote.

People reassure each other that it's NEVER SUPPOSED to apply to people who can't make that decision on their own, but you should see the pressure. It happened in 2018 to my dad who wanted it.

In 2019 they were trying to persuade my sister in law and husband and myself to do it to my 103 year old father in law dying of heart failure. He was of sound mind, but the hospice intake nurse asked us when he was out of the room briefly. We all said no rather firmly. After which she suddenly didn't have room in the hospice program to help provide home nursing care for my father in law while he lived and died in his assisted living facility.

That is "Never" supposed to happen, but it did. That is no accident. It is a gradual softening up process.

This last week on Thursday as George lay dying and unconscious, an official from the hospital came in and told me she was "here to make sure your husband gets where he needs to go" an ambiguous opening statement if ever I heard one.

I spoke to 2 Christian friends since his death BOTH OF WHOM took it like I did- the opening to discuss MAID with us. I barked at her "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?" and she quickly said it was just moving him to a private room or hospice.

But the friend I spoke with yesterday just lost her mother, and she said this was how each of MANY different attempts to murder her mother were made. They started like this and worked up to offering/suggesting it, on MULTIPLE OCCASIONS in the couple of weeks it took for her mum to die.

They LIE

It's a process and this is how it starts!
It's a process and this is how it starts!
The people in position to guard ethics and who we entrust to bring a sound moral views into the equation become compromised. Most of the time they aren't aware that they are went from upholding values to merely mouthing thought-terminating clichés.*

The hospital official who subtly offered to make sure that George got where he needs to go (referencing MAID) likely never would have considered that 10 or 15-yrs ago. Too bad we can't take those who once insisted it would never get so crazy on a timemachine trip to their future selves.

* I spotted "thought-terminating clichés" online and think it says a mouthful :coffee;