Why did Isaac inherit Abraham’s covenant and not Ishmael?
Why Jacob and not Esau?
Often these questions come to our mind, and we try to give them an answer.The Torah does NOT state that Ishmael and Esau were wicked, as some tend to think. The opposite is true. If we read their Biblical accounts without preconceptions, our hearts even go out to them in compassion. One was sent almost to his death in the dry desert. And from the second, the blessing was stolen.
In an honest reading we feel the pain and loss together with Ishmael and Esau. Notice what the Torah says about them. Sarah, for example, saw Ishmael making fun [literally “causing to laugh”] and immediately demanded that Abraham expel Hagar and Ishmael.
Why Jacob and not Esau?
Often these questions come to our mind, and we try to give them an answer.The Torah does NOT state that Ishmael and Esau were wicked, as some tend to think. The opposite is true. If we read their Biblical accounts without preconceptions, our hearts even go out to them in compassion. One was sent almost to his death in the dry desert. And from the second, the blessing was stolen.
In an honest reading we feel the pain and loss together with Ishmael and Esau. Notice what the Torah says about them. Sarah, for example, saw Ishmael making fun [literally “causing to laugh”] and immediately demanded that Abraham expel Hagar and Ishmael.
For this reason God chose Israel and not Ishmael - Israel Today
Torah Portion Toledot.