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Food for thought


Unto Thee I lift my eyes. Ps. 123
Staff member
A message from Amir Tsarfati

Over the past 40 days I have shed many tears. But the amount of those that ran down my face this morning were the most. Why?

I was trying to imagine a scenario in which I received a revelation of the coming attack, and somehow was able to persuade the government and the military to be ready. Then, once October 7th came, we preemptively attacked and avoided the massacre from even happening.

Then the tears started flowing when I realized that half of the nation would’ve accused the government of an attempt to divert the attention from the judicial reform, while the rest of the world would have accused us of starting a war with a peace-loving Gaza-based group of “freedom fighters”.

Sadly, many of the massacred people inside the kibbutzim would’ve thought that there was still a chance for peace and that we were overreacting. All that, while that Nazi-ISIS-Hamas was deep in its detailed diabolical planning of executing, beheading, raping, and burning alive all those innocent peace-loving people who worked so hard to help them live better lives.

The tears were mostly because It dawned on me that, sadly, this massacre, as terrible as it was, was permitted by the all-knowing God to finally wake us up as a nation to the need to run to Him for help, because we are surrounded with people who want war. God woke us up to be alert and ready so we could defend ourselves from something far bigger that could’ve happened!

“From The River to The Sea Palestine Will Be Free” means what they really want is not to live in peace next to us, but to live in peace instead of us.

I was then reminded of Psalm 120:5-7:
“Woe is me, that I dwell in Meshech, That I dwell among the tents of Kedar!
My soul has dwelt too long With one who hates peace.
I am for peace; But when I speak, they are for war.”

Amir Tsarfati - Telegram