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Florida Surgeon-General calls for complete halt to Covid-19 vaccine injections.


Staff member
The Florida Surgeon-General has called for a complete halt to all Covid mRna injections saying that evidence shows the vaccines are contaminated with plasmid DNA. Apparently Pfizer (at least) pulled a bait-and-switch and the vaccine they released and injected into billions of arms around the world is not the same one used in their clinical trials which were the basis upon which their vaccine safety was judged.

Yay! This is an important step. And, there has been a legal decision that the pharmaceutical companies can be held liable for contaminated products!

I would blame the pharmaceutical companies for product that has ingredients that shouldn't be in it (contamination), but I'd blame the govmint wholly for authorizing a vaccine that has done so much harm, and I'd blame the govmint for allowing such a dangerous non-vaccine to continue to be administered. And I blame the govmint for pushing care protocols for COVID patients that killed them, and I'd blame hospital administrators and doctors and other health care professionals who participated in following those murder protocols for the money it put in their pockets, or the jobs it ensured them.
Yay! This is an important step. And, there has been a legal decision that the pharmaceutical companies can be held liable for contaminated products!

I'm delighted! They have responsibility to ensure that all their manufacturing labs are obeying the safety protocols and that used to be a priority because of the problems in the early 60s with one of the polio vaccines. I can't remember which one, but it set a legal situation of sorts that vaccine manufacturers had to obey.

They had to trample over several of the rules that resulted from that situation back in the 60's in order to have the contamination that has been established as happening with the Covid vaccines. Several steps along the way should have caught the problems not to mention the side effects, quite apart from contamination.

I think there is legal jeopardy for the pharma producers just based on those old laws and standards.