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Flatulent Cows, Sheep, and Pigs Face World’s First Carbon Tax in Denmark (Not Satire)

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
(Not Satire)

Livestock farmers in Denmark have been warned the farts and burps from their cows, sheep, and pigs will be measured and taxed from 2030, the first country in the world to do so as it targets methane emissions.

AP reports the aim is to reduce Danish greenhouse gas emissions by 70 percent from 1990 levels by 2030, said Taxation Minister Jeppe Bruus, with the winds of change specifically aimed at the agriculture industry.

As of 2030, Danish livestock farmers will face a punitive financial imposition of 300 kroner ($43) per ton of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2030.

How exactly will they measure this?

Will this cause farmers to figure out what drugs to administer to the cows to cut back on their flatulence and more importantly will this cause the beef to taste different?

Globalist must stay up all night wondering what new theories they can present as facts, and hope the population will not see through their stupidity.
It's a "Carbon tax"
No doubt any nation supporting the globalists agenda will follow suit.
I wouldn't bet on California's Assembly not putting their thumb on the scale since they love taxing everything.
Question is
When will the average person be forced to pay a Carbon tax for breathing since exhaling produces Carbon Dioxide?
The insanity they come up with.
They say the Danes are cosmopolitan, well-educated, and open-minded. Well, apparently their minds are so open that their brains have fallen out.
Hello! I think in a lot of European countries there was a similar pattern. After some repeated headlines people became 'aware' or interested in 'green' issues, what they might call being responsible with the planet. A few of the headlines were valid, like the danger of toxic pollution, many of the headlines were spurious scaremongering. This real or imagined 'awareness' was used/hijacked by extremists in the political arena and those in the media with a fringe agenda, now it seems that the mainstream media and almost all political parties have been captured by nuts who shout down or cancel all opposing views. I would imagine many Danes think this issue with the cows and pigs is ludicrous, but what can they do about it? We're in the last days, societies and organisations will be run by madmen who won't need to hide their crazy agendas.
God Bless :)
You know, it's like we're moving into the dark ages again with some of this stuff. And, I don't think that scientists of our day really have a good grasp on what they think they have a grasp on......like how the 'experts' once thought the universe revolved around the earth. Scientist may know more now but as the saying goes, 'the more you know, the more you don't know' but the scientist of this day and age don't know that they really don't know.

I think of how in Isaiah it says that when Jesus comes again to establish His Kingdom in Jerusalem, what condition the nations will be in......darkness, as black as the night:

“Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all to see.
For the glory of the Lord rises to shine on you.
Darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth,
but the glory of the Lord rises and appears over you.
All nations will come to your light;
mighty kings will come to see your radiance

Isaiah 60:1-3

But John is very encouraging:

The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness can never extinguish it.

John 1:5
How exactly will they measure this?

Will this cause farmers to figure out what drugs to administer to the cows to cut back on their flatulence and more importantly will this cause the beef to taste different?

Globalist must stay up all night wondering what new theories they can present as facts, and hope the population will not see through their stupidity.
My question exactly. How or who measures this? And how much do they pay the person who collects/samples the data? Whatever it is, it's not enough. What about SBDs? (silent but deadly) Is there an 'intensity' or 'potency' factor? I would think that a cow who indulged in some full bean chili might pay higher than one who is only on grass. So many questions...