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Federal court upholds ruling that stopped Arizona transgender sports law

Growing in Grace

A federal appellate court ruled Monday to uphold an Arizona district court’s ruling to allow two transgender girls to play on the girls’ sports team at their schools, barring an Arizona law that prohibits “students of the male sex,” including transgender girls from participating in girls’ sports.

The defendants Thomas Horne, Arizona state superintendent of public instruction, Laura Toenjes, superintendent of the Kyrene and Gregory school districts, Arizona Senate President Warren Petersen and Arizona Speaker of the House of Representatives Ben Toma appealed the decision made by the district court, saying that the decision did not violate the equal protection clause under the 14th Amendment.

The defendants claimed that allowing transgender girls to participate in girls’ sports would be discriminatory to biological girls who would not have the same physical advantages as someone biologically male. They also stated that what actually causes harm to these girls is their gender dysphoria diagnosis, not the inability to play on a sports team that aligns with their gender identity. The court said it was just the opposite.

Full article: Federal court upholds ruling that stopped Arizona transgender sports law

I hope they play girl's rugby . . . what goes on the scrum, stays in the scrum.

I'm sure the biological girls (XX) can take care of business . . . after all, they're rugby players.

Or maybe the pretend girls (XY) want to play roller derby or hockey. A much shorter girl's (XX) much lower center of gravity can be used to great advantage.
Perhaps looking at the science would be helpful (said with a bit of sarcasm):

A major UK report says trans children are being let down by toxic debate and lack of evidence​

....Dr. Hilary Cass said there is “no good evidence on the long-term outcomes of interventions to manage gender-related distress,” and young people have been caught up in a “stormy social discourse” about the issue....

...On April 1 doctors in England’s public health system stopped prescribing puberty-blocking hormones to children and young people with gender dysphoria. The decision came after recommendations in Cass’ earlier interim report, which said there is not enough evidence about the potential benefits and harms of the blockers, which help prevent people from developing physical features not in line with their gender identity, such as beards or breasts....

.....Cass’ report, which runs to almost 400 pages, said that “for most young people, a medical pathway” is not the best way to deal with gender-related issues.

Cass said young people questioning their gender identity should be given “a holistic assessment” including screening for neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism, and a mental health assessment.....

Interestingly quite a few transgenders have neurodivergent conditions such as autism, ADD, Aspergers (all being more recognized as almost one and the same) which is quite a consistent pattern, indicating to me more of a situation of a group of people needing support actually being taken advantage of instead. And because these people are extremely lonely, due to struggles with social skills, recognizing social cues and thus acting in manners considered socially off, this in turn greatly limits finding friends. Additionally, because social skills and cues are not a strength, they heavily rely on other people to give direction and if there's friends, they usually turn out to be the bottom of the fruit so to speak because there's such desperation to connect with anyone who'll hang out with a socially stunted individual, even if these are not the best friendship choices.

As a result, many with this condition are often taken advantage of and duped into bad situations, organizations (like a cult) or direction in life, thinking others know best socially. But, instead of it being the average Joe who's a jerk or unsavory, it's whole organizations such as influential medical organizations paying money to influential politicians to heavily promote this lifestyle so the medical organizations can make a profit on ruined lives. And then there's social media filled with those who've moved into this lifestyle and love bomb those who are wondering if maybe they might be another gender. It becomes too intoxicating to resist.....suddenly there's friends galore, position, respect, etc. but based on a lie and resulting in further pain and deep regret.

Some may actually have a bit of a hormone imbalance (the pesticides in our food and water are BIG culprits of this - and adrenal gland fatigue) but instead of just addressing this in a balanced way, it's assumed one must be the opposite of their born gender.

But with God there is always hope. Through Jesus, God holds His hands open to freely grant true love, connection, meaning and relationship with Him through faith in Jesus and eternal life. Believe in Jesus and let Him fill the void and replace anxiety with His never ending Peace.

As the church, we can help by reaching out to those who seem socially stunted or off. As the Lord leads, include these people in your social circle, reach out to them and seek to learn more about them, their interests and let the Lord's love move through you. They desperately, desperately need connection, community and a supportive environment. The very thing that God supplies through His body, the Church. There's a real void in these people's lives and they need Christ, as shown through His Church. :-)

There are no trans-children (or anyone else). Or homosexuals for that matter. People are either male (XY) or female (XX).
I get it that people, who engage in homosexual behavior are called homosexuals after their behavior, but that does not mean they are homosexuals in the sense that they were created by God to sexually love someone of the same gender, because that is not the way of God's creation of human beings, who are created in His image. Ditto transsexualism, pansexualism, pedophilia, etc. God made each of us male (XY) or female(XX), and sex is reserved for marriage between a MAN AND A WOMAN. Not boy, girl, animal, computer, robot, demon/angel, etc.

God doesn't make mistakes :tap:

He made each of us the way we are, and we, in turn, corrupt it through our personal sin. Everyone has a sin nature and sins in various ways. Some people seem more likely to sin in certain ways, perhaps through family or societal influences, but in no way was anyone created by God to sin in any specific way, as in God never created a homosexual or a transsexual or a pedophile or a murderer or a rapist, or a thief or an arsonist, etc., etc., etc.

Transgender and homosexual behavior is acting in response to sickness or temptation or both, is always sinful, and is a sin like any other, in that Jesus died and paid the penalty for it, so it can be forgiven.
Yes, we live in a fallen world because of sin. We are affected by sin, either our own or by others. Praise God there's hope in Jesus! :nod:

As I've researched this subject, I'm realizing that yes, while there's personal responsibility for certain decisions, there's also other sinful components at play. Misdiagnosed issues, taking advantage of those misdiagnosed (especially very young people not mature enough to make good decisions with life altering consequences - age 25 being observed as when maturity of the brain starts, even later nowadays) or not properly warning or unfortunately some parents (not all) not being the protective parent of children under their guardianship or, the state usurping parents protective guardianship.

In regards to the group of people typically taken in or moving in this direction there is often medical and/or painful things in play not being addressed (not unlike with bi-polar conditions, etc.). It's helpful to know and understand the things I shared above when engaging with those socially struggling in that offering connection through Jesus Christ preserves against being pulled in by other influences, and in turn seek the Lord's help/direction for underling issue actually needing addressed.

The nurodivergent crowd are starved for community and a supportive environment. That void is being happily filled by bad actors and movements. This is where and how the Church can help in reaching out with community and support in Christ for nurodivergent people. If it's not there with the Church in their area, in desperation they'll seek it somewhere else.

I guess this is also a good prayer point for our young people to be able to find a church or Christian with this connecting support.
Yes, we live in a fallen world because of sin. We are affected by sin, either our own or by others. Praise God there's hope in Jesus! :nod:

As I've researched this subject, I'm realizing that yes, while there's personal responsibility for certain decisions, there's also other sinful components at play. Misdiagnosed issues, taking advantage of those misdiagnosed (especially very young people not mature enough to make good decisions with life altering consequences - age 25 being observed as when maturity of the brain starts, even later nowadays) or not properly warning or unfortunately some parents (not all) not being the protective parent of children under their guardianship or, the state usurping parents protective guardianship.

In regards to the group of people typically taken in or moving in this direction there is often medical and/or painful things in play not being addressed (not unlike with bi-polar conditions, etc.). It's helpful to know and understand the things I shared above when engaging with those socially struggling in that offering connection through Jesus Christ preserves against being pulled in by other influences, and in turn seek the Lord's help/direction for underling issue actually needing addressed.

The nurodivergent crowd are starved for community and a supportive environment. That void is being happily filled by bad actors and movements. This is where and how the Church can help in reaching out with community and support in Christ for nurodivergent people. If it's not there with the Church in their area, in desperation they'll seek it somewhere else.

I guess this is also a good prayer point for our young people to be able to find a church or Christian with this connecting support.

Important to remember that some parents are still kids, themselves. Some become grandparents before age 25 :eek: so even when parent(s) are doing their best, sometimes it's a matter of children raising and helping children raising children :(

A big problem is government social services, which is sometimes the only support/information/help people get is rife with political correctness, etc.

Agree that the Church must get involved, but very few have mental health ministries other than internal for their members (and even that is not very common, although better now than it used to be). And there are strictly-enforced regulations, laws, and other requirements for organizations,agencies, and churches to contact and help minors.