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Fear, Fake News, And Faith

By Jeff Kinley

God wrote Revelation because he wants us to know about that finale, and to respond to it (Revelation 1:3). He wants us to be aware of coming world events and to spot the signs leading up to the end times. He wants us to enjoy a sneak preview of our future home in heaven.

He also knew that in these last days, there would be a pandemic of confusion, ignorance, and uncertainty. Fear is currently outpacing faith among God’s people. In the church, confusion is clouding clarity. Ignorance is spreading faster than knowledge. And uncertainty is overshadowing confidence.

And yet, not once in Scripture are we ever told to fear the future. Quite the opposite, as repeatedly, God instructed his people to move forward into tomorrow with faith and courage (   Joshua 1:6-9; Matthew 24:3-4; 6:25-34; 1 Thessalonians 4:13; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3; 2 Timothy 1:7). God intended for his Word to guard us against confusion, and to provide knowledge and clarity.

When Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, they had become a church plagued by unsettling news from men posing as reliable teachers. Essentially, these teachers had convinced the Thessalonian believers that they had in their possession a letter from Paul indicating “the day of the Lord” had arrived. In other words, they claimed the rapture had already occurred and that the seven-year tribulation had begun. This information triggered at least two unpleasant concerns for the Thessalonian believers:

