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FDR and the Jewish State


Set your face like flint - Isaiah 50:7
I remember hearing something (in a sermon?) about FDR being antisemitic and being against the formation of the state of Israel. FDR died suddenly and his VP, Harry Truman took office. Truman reportedly was very pro-Israel (in contrast to many in his cabinet) and he backed them eleven minutes after Israel declared itself a nation.

Did FDR say Israel would never be a nation while he was president? I am trying to find info about this but it is hard to find for obvious reasons.
Here's one tragic incident: "A boat carrying 937 Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi persecution is turned away from Havana, Cuba, on May 27, 1939. Only 28 immigrants are admitted into the country. After appeals to the United States and Canada for entry are denied, the rest are forced to sail back to Europe, where they’re distributed among several countries including Great Britain and France."
