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FBI Director Confirms Hamas-Led Threats Against Americans in the U.S. Now at 'Whole Other Level'


FBI Director Christopher Wray testified Wednesday before the House Committee on Homeland Security and revealed that, due to the Israel-Hamas war, "The threat of an attack against Americans in the United States" has been raised "to a whole other level."

In his prepared remarks, Wray provided more context to those threats: "Since October 7th, we've seen a rogue’s gallery of foreign terrorist organizations call for attacks against Americans and our allies. Hizballah expressed its support and praise for Hamas and threatened to attack U.S. interests in the Middle East. Al-Qaida issued its most specific call to attack the United States in the last five years. Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula called on jihadists to attack Americans and Jewish people everywhere. ISIS urged its followers to target Jewish communities in the United States and Europe."

In short, Americans are under threat both at home and abroad; not surprisingly, Jews are most at risk from these threats.


America isn't alone. Here in Canada the threat from Iran to Iranian Canadians is particularly bad. ‘Far worse than you can imagine’: How Iran’s regime has ‘spread its tentacles’ in Canada - National | Globalnews.ca

And yet Trudeau still can't bring himself to label the IRGC a terrorist organization so that we can expel these evildoers.

"In fact, The New Reality heard from Iranian Canadians, legal experts, and security and intelligence sources who say Canada has an especially big problem with hundreds, maybe thousands, of potentially dangerous regime-connected officials here on Canadian soil.

“Islamic Republic agents are everywhere in this country. Everywhere,” Esmaeilion says."

"There are 77 groups on Canada’s terrorist list, but Iran’s notorious Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is not one of them. The United States, meanwhile, declared the IRGC a terrorist organization in 2019."
I refuse to cave into fear because then the terrorists win. This is what I told people when 911 happened, and I continue to live my life, not worry about it, use the tools God gives me to fight it, and apply common sense.

I try to share The Gospel with as many as I can. Bible verse T shirts and The Holy Ghost never return void. I'd rather bless with The Gospel, than get cursed with sharia.

Churches are seriously active in the various communities all over the Twin Cities and throughout the State, and have been here "forever." They've also been involved in immigrant (legal and otherwise) and refugee resettlement and have effectively used the opportunity to share The Gospel with new arrivals. The muslims (and other unsaved) are very receptive.

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
I refuse to cave into fear because then the terrorists win. This is what I told people when 911 happened, and I continue to live my life, not worry about it, use the tools God gives me to fight it, and apply common sense.
Wish I could say that. I’m not hiding in my house in fear, but there is one thing. I have only flown once since 9/11. And I had to take Valium for the flight. (Worked amazingly well.). I had a fear of flying before 9/11 anyway, but when I saw the plane on live TV crash into the tower that morning, (and the pit in the ground in Shanksville) I haven’t been quite the same since then. I don’t fear actual death, but I fear the period of time before, that you know the plane is going to crash. That big plummet to the ground. Aye yi yi. Also don’t like being locked up inside a tube.
I try to share The Gospel with as many as I can. Bible verse T shirts and The Holy Ghost never return void. I'd rather bless with The Gospel, than get cursed with sharia.
I like how you say that. You are inspiring me to get some Christian T-Shirts.