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Experts Warn Proposed Amendment To California’s Constitution, Could Legalize Polygamy, Child Marriage

By Decision Magazine for
Harbinger's Daily

California’s legislature has proposed an amendment to the state’s constitution that critics charge could open the door to polygamy, incestuous relationships and child marriage.

State Sen. Scott Wiener and Assemblyman Evan Low—both Democrats—proposed Assembly Constitutional Amendment 5 (ACA 5) last week in what they are calling an attempt to enshrine same-sex marriage in California law. The amendment would repeal language in the state constitution that defines marriage as between one man and one woman. Despite the 2015 Supreme Court decision that legalized same-sex marriage nationally, LGBTQ advocates in multiple states are seeking ways to protect homosexual marriage in case the 2015 decision were ever overturned.

But experts have pointed out that the amendment’s wording could legalize controversial relationships, including those between more than two people, genetically related individuals, or even minors. The California Family Council (CFC) held a press conference on the steps of California’s State Capitol in Sacramento shortly after ACA 5 was announced.

CFC President Jonathan Keller pointed out the overwhelming risks involved in passing such an amendment. “If you abolish the definition of marriage and say that marriage can mean anything, then marriage actually means nothing,” he said. “This amendment removes critical protections, which is why we oppose it.”


Lies, corruption, deceit, and mis-defining words always opens the door to the first of future levels of compromise and decay. Marriage, sexuality, morality, sanctity of the womb, protection of minors, lawful and unlawful use of drugs, and race relations are ALL under attack and giving opportunity to an emboldened movement of evil that wants to destroy the limitations, restrictions, and prohibitions long set in place. Polygamy is bad. Child marriage would be disturbing in a manner like murder, molestation/rape, human sacrifice, slavery, and cannibalism........UNTHINKABLE. Ultimately the question is whether our society needs to think about these things and be watchful and ready for action? How could we not?
Lies, corruption, deceit, and mis-defining words always opens the door to the first of future levels of compromise and decay. Marriage, sexuality, morality, sanctity of the womb, protection of minors, lawful and unlawful use of drugs, and race relations are ALL under attack and giving opportunity to an emboldened movement of evil that wants to destroy the limitations, restrictions, and prohibitions long set in place. Polygamy is bad. Child marriage would be disturbing in a manner like murder, molestation/rape, human sacrifice, slavery, and cannibalism........UNTHINKABLE. Ultimately the question is whether our society needs to think about these things and be watchful and ready for action? How could we not?

People call Christians, who oppose these, narrow-minded, bigots, hateful, prejudiced, homophonic, etc. I don't recall a Muslim, who condemned homosexuality, abortion, etc., ever called any of these by anyone.
