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Expert: Hezbollah Has Built a Vast Tunnel Network Far More Sophisticated than Hamas’s

Ghoti Ichthus

Genesis 18:32, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Acts 5:29

Expert: Hezbollah Has Built a Vast Tunnel Network Far More Sophisticated than Hamas’s​

Tunnel system in south Lebanon runs hundreds of kms, up to the border and even into Israel; launchers can fire precision-guided missiles from there, then disappear, says Tal Beeri

By Tal Schneider
2 January 2024, 4:49 pm

"Two weeks ago, the IDF spokesman revealed one of the biggest attack tunnels in the Gaza Strip — four kilometers long, wide enough for vehicles to drive through, and running from Jabaliya, north of Gaza City, up until some 400 meters from the Erez border crossing into Israel.
While the tunnel did not cross the border, it presumably could have enabled terrorists on motorcycles and other vehicles to drive underground from the Jabaliya area and exit close to the border before IDF surveillance soldiers or patrols could block them. The IDF did not specify whether this was the case when 3,000 Hamas-led terrorists poured into Israel on October 7, slaughtering 1,200 people and abducting 240."

"The uncovering of this vast tunnel, of which there are several more in Gaza, has revived discussion of similar tunnels near, at and under the Lebanon border — especially amid the ongoing clashes there with the Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorist army, the forced evacuation of tens of thousands of Israeli residents of the north, and the Israeli leadership’s repeated insistence that Hezbollah must be forced back from the border and deterred.
The Lebanon tunnel project was begun and developed long before the one in Gaza. Existing intelligence indicates a vast tunnel network in southern Lebanon, deep and multi-pronged.

At the Alma Research and Education Center, which focuses on the security challenges on Israel’s northern border, researchers have spent many years investigating Lebanon’s underworld. Tal Beeri, the director of Alma’s Research Department, who served for decades in IDF intelligence units, has exposed that subterranean network in material based on considerable open-source intelligence.
Several years ago, Beeri managed to track down on the internet a “map of polygons,” covering what he called the “Land of the Tunnels” in southern Lebanon. “The map is marked, by an unknown party, with polygons (circles) indicating 36 geographic regions, towns and villages,” he wrote in 2021 paper.
Hezbollah’s Map of Polygons (Alma Research and Education Center)
“In our assessment, these polygons mark Hezbollah’s staging centers as part of the ‘defense’ plan against an Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Each local staging center (‘defense’) possesses a network of local underground tunnels. Between all these centers, an infrastructure of regional tunnels was built, interconnected [with] them.”
Beeri assessed that the cumulative length of Hezbollah’s tunnel network in south Lebanon amounts to hundreds of kilometers."

Far, far, more, and it gets more "interesting"

IDF reveals ‘longest, most significant’ Hezbollah tunnel on northern border​

Military says Lebanon terror group’s cross-border tunnel has infrastructure for electricity, ventilation, communications; subterranean passage to be destroyed in coming days​

By ToI Staff and Judah Ari Gross30 May 2019, 4:33 am Updated at 12:21 pm

"The Israel Defense Forces on Wednesday revealed a cross-border Hezbollah attack tunnel that was discovered running into Israeli territory from Lebanon during this past winter’s Operation Northern Shield, saying it was “the longest and most significant” subterranean passage found in the effort.
The military released the additional details about this tunnel — one of six that the it said it found during the operation — ahead of its planned destruction.
The army said the tunnel was dug to a depth of 80 meters (260 feet), was a kilometer (3280 feet) long and penetrated 77 meters (250 feet) into Israeli territory. It began close to the Lebanese village of Ramiya, the IDF said, with an exit close to the Israeli villages of Shtula and Zar’it.
That was a slight adjustment from the military’s initial assessments of the tunnel. When it was discovered in January, the IDF said it was dug at a depth of 55 meters (180 feet) and was 800 meters (2,600 feet) long.
The IDF said the tunnel was equipped with advanced infrastructure for electricity, ventilation and communications systems, and that the passage would have taken years to complete."

"The IDF believes that this tunnel — and the five others found this winter — was built with the specific purpose of allowing thousands of Hezbollah terrorists to stage an infiltration attack on military and civilian targets in northern Israel as a surprise opening maneuver in a future war."

The pro "Hate Israel" bunch across America would likely never want tunnels right at their neighborhood by enemies that wanted them dead, but these kinds of reports have no impact on that hate that they are brewing. The hypocrisy is heaped up along with their stupidity. These tunnels did not just show up last week. The hate and terror has been in play for decades and Israel is so isolated and trapped. I wonder if France, Germany, Great Britain, etc. would put up with this at their borders........honestly, there's no need to wonder.
Not surprised, they are a part of what's coming across the southern border thanks to sleepy Joe and Kamala's border expertise.

For years and years, illicit drug users and gangs have been warned that drug money gets funneled to the Cartels and then to terror organizations.

Cartel tunnels under the US border accommodate 18-wheelers and they are extremely deep. IDK if cartels taught Hezbollah or Hezbollah taught the cartels (or learning/engineering together)

So much corruption on both sides of the border. All of those tunnels should have been destroyed a very long time ago. Every once in awhile, one is "sacrificed" for show.
'Not just for invading Galilee': Hezbollah's monstrous tunnel network This JPost article briefly mentions a tunnel that goes into Syria if that helps any

:thankyou: There was another article awhile back that specifically claimed Beirut to Damascus, but I can't find it now. Wonder if scrubbed for some reason [sigh] I don't remember the source, but I believe it wasn't the JP. Might have been a more military audience-intended site, but it still should have come up on search engines, and internet archive/wayback isn't reflecting it, either.
I bumped into a French newspaper that according to another paper (not very nice, a pro Pali paper) states that the tunnels do go into Syria. Unfortunately the article is in French and doesn't get to the bit about the Syrian connections until after a paywall. The French link is here: Au Liban, le réseau des tunnels secrets du Hezbollah encore plus sophistiqué que celui du Hamas à Gaza just to keep track. dated Feb 18 of '24

I suspect it's been scrubbed. They probably didn't bother with the French paper because it's behind a pay wall and in French. And I can't copy and paste anything from it.

BUT the part just before it blurs into paywall says this:

rough translation:

"The more sophisticated Lebanese (vs Gaza) tunnels go for hundreds of kilometres going into Israel and probably into Syria"
Article that says Hezbollah was helped by North Korea and Iran

Hezbollah’s vast subterranean network in Lebanon is in a different league​

With the help of Iran and North Korea, the terrorist organization has been working for 18 years on attack, strategic and booby-trapped tunnels.

I bumped into a French newspaper that according to another paper (not very nice, a pro Pali paper) states that the tunnels do go into Syria. Unfortunately the article is in French and doesn't get to the bit about the Syrian connections until after a paywall. The French link is here: Au Liban, le réseau des tunnels secrets du Hezbollah encore plus sophistiqué que celui du Hamas à Gaza just to keep track. dated Feb 18 of '24

I suspect it's been scrubbed. They probably didn't bother with the French paper because it's behind a pay wall and in French. And I can't copy and paste anything from it.

BUT the part just before it blurs into paywall says this:

rough translation:

"The more sophisticated Lebanese (vs Gaza) tunnels go for hundreds of kilometres going into Israel and probably into Syria"

Do you have the name of the French newspaper? Maybe I can access via public library or inter-library loan. Public library will translate the whole article, as well :) Maybe they name a source :)
Article that says Hezbollah was helped by North Korea and Iran

Hezbollah’s vast subterranean network in Lebanon is in a different league​

With the help of Iran and North Korea, the terrorist organization has been working for 18 years on attack, strategic and booby-trapped tunnels.

And this Israel Hayom article here mentions that French article: https://www.israelhayom.com/2024/04...is-in-a-completely-different-league-to-hamas/

but doesn't mention the Syrian connection. It does however have a lot more engineering details. It mentions the North Korean help too

Looks like we posted articles posted by different places that originated in the same place :lol:
Do you have the name of the French newspaper? Maybe I can access via public library or inter-library loan. Public library will translate the whole article, as well :) Maybe they name a source :)
Libération with an accent over the e in Libération. Feb 18/24

in their Accueil (news)/ International/ Moyen-Orient (middle east) section.

The article itself is titled:

Stratégie Au Liban, Le réseau des tunnels secrets du Hezbollah encore plus sophistiqué que celuis du Hamas á Gaza

It says Article reserved for Subscribers Only in french.

Here is the link: Au Liban, le réseau des tunnels secrets du Hezbollah encore plus sophistiqué que celui du Hamas à Gaza

This part it let me copy:

par Laurence Defranoux
publié le 18 février 2024 à 11h53

the part just before it blurs into paywall says this:

my very rough translation:

"The more sophisticated Lebanese (vs Gaza) tunnels go for hundreds of kilometres going into Israel and probably into Syria" It may only be speculation on the part of that author. He may not back it up but just in case he does and you can access it, here it all is.

edited to add I have always wondered about a Lebanon connection in the destruction of Damascus.

Isaiah 17 isn't the only passage referencing the Damascus destruction.

Jeremiah 49 v 23-27 has an interesting reference when the 3 geographical elements in v 23-24 are considered. Hamath and Arpad are there today as Homs and Aleppo, both northern Syria and they are approximately in line with the sea coast of Syria while Damascus is inland east of Lebanon.

The trouble seems to come from the sea - here in the NKJV in v 23 which cannot be quiet. Damascus is the capital of Syria, she is inland, east of Lebanon. It ties something happening on the sea coast, which if Damascus is looking, is towards Lebanon.

23 Against Damascus.

“Hamath and Arpad are shamed,
For they have heard bad news.
They are fainthearted;
There is trouble on the sea;
It cannot be quiet.

24 Damascus has grown feeble;
She turns to flee,
And fear has seized her.
Anguish and sorrows have taken her like a woman in labor.
25 Why is the city of praise not deserted, the city of My joy?
26 Therefore her young men shall fall in her streets,
And all the men of war shall be cut off in that day,” says the Lord of hosts.
27 “I will kindle a fire in the wall of Damascus,
And it shall consume the palaces of Ben-Hadad.”