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Exclusive: Nigerian Christians, Forgotten by the West, Face Christmas Under the Shadow of Jihadist Genocide

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
Christians in Nigeria will celebrate Christmas this year facing a relentless onslaught of jihadist terrorism seeking to eliminate them from the country, experts told Breitbart News, with little support from their government.

In the northeast, Nigerian Christians have endured decades of attacks by Boko Haram, the Islamic State-affiliated terrorist organization committed to killing Christians and forcing young girls into sex slavery “marriages” with their fighters. In the central Middle Belt, jihadists belonging to the majority-Muslim Fulani ethnic group regularly conduct raids on Christian communities, burning down entire villages and occupying land historically populated by Christian majorities. The objective in both cases is the genocide of Nigerian Christians and the establishment of a sharia “caliphate” system.

International Christian Concern named Nigeria the world’s top oppressor of Christians in its 2023 report — the world’s most dangerous place to be a Christian — as a result of the “20-year genocide against Christians” there by Boko Haram, the Fulani, and other jihadist elements.


Communist Nicaragua Launches Mass Arrests of Evangelicals Before Christmas​

The communist Sandinista regime of Nicaragua arrested 11 Evangelical leaders and launched an investigation into three Americans on Wednesday, accusing them of money laundering and inappropriate business dealings.

The 11 people detained are reportedly Nicaraguan leaders with Mountain Gateway Ministry, an Evangelical organization founded by Americans Britt and Audrey Hancock that, before the arrests, claimed to be attracting hundreds of thousands of people — possibly up to one million — to its events. The Hancocks also operate a coffee farm in Nicaragua that sells its product in America under the brand Rootline. Some reports prior to the arrests indicated that the Ortega regime was tolerant of Mountain Gateway, and some communist officials even attended the group’s events.

Ortega has waged war against the Catholic Church in Nicaragua since 2018, when student protesters organized an anti-communist movement in the country that he repressed with an eruption of state violence, killing hundreds of people. Church leaders offered sanctuary to the peaceful protesters and condemned Ortega’s repression, leading to Ortega arresting clergy members, shutting down churches, outlawing the Jesuit order, and seizing the bank assets of the Catholic Church in the country. Ortega has also severely repressed Catholic events in the country, reportedly threatening believers into not publicly engaging in common Catholic traditions of worship. Nicaragua sentenced Álvarez to 26 years in prison and rendered him a stateless person for publicly opposing communism. Álvarez was convicted of “treason” for publicly opposing communism.


Christians in Northern India Forgo Christmas Celebrations After ‘Record’ Year of Persecution​

The Hindu nationalist government of India presided over the escalation of Christian persecution in the country at a “record pace” in 2023, religious freedom experts told Breitbart News, and faces little to no pressure to protect their Christian populations from the West.

Hindu nationalists organized mob attacks on Christian communities throughout the year, burning down churches and often destroying entire neighborhoods, leaving Christians displaced. The worst of the violence in 2023 occurred in Manipur, northern India, where members of the majority Hindu Meitei tribe went on a rampage against majority Christian Kuki-Zo communities throughout the spring and summer, often filming their atrocities. Modi’s government did not comment on the matter until a video went viral in the rest of the country showing a mob of presumably Meitei men raping Christian women in broad daylight and parading them naked through the streets.

“The violence continues. In this environment, nobody can celebrate Christmas, or any other festival like before,” Manipur local Helamboi Baite told the Indian outlet. “It won’t be the same for us. Maybe, families would have a somber celebration inside their homes, but I don’t think any gathering will take place in the streets.”


Christmas Massacre: Nigerian Gunmen Kill at Least 140 in ‘Christian-Dominated’ Regions​

ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — At least 140 people were killed by gunmen who attacked remote villages over two days in north-central Nigeria’s Plateau state, survivors and officials said Tuesday in the latest of such mass killings this year blamed on the West African nation’s farmer-herder crisis.

The assailants targeted 17 communities during the “senseless and unprovoked” attacks on Saturday and Sunday, during which most houses in the areas were burned down, Plateau Gov. Caleb Mutfwang said Tuesday in a broadcast on the local Channels Television.

“As I am talking to you, in Mangu local government alone, we buried 15 people. As of this morning, in Bokkos, we are counting not less than 100 corpses. I am yet to take stock of (the deaths in) Barkin Ladi,” Gov. Mutfwan said. “It has been a very terrifying Christmas for us here in Plateau.”


Nigerian Governor After Christmas Massacre: Jihadis Occupying Dozens of Christian Communities​

The governor of Plateau, Nigeria, denounced on Tuesday, in response to the massacre of at least 160 people during the Christmas weekend, the continuous, long-term occupation of at least 64 Christian communities in his state by presumed Islamist terrorists.

“When people are dislocated from their villages and they have to run for shelter … if they stay away from those communities for a sustained period of time, the terrorists would come in,” Governor Celeb Mutfwang told the Nigerian outlet Channels TV on Tuesday, according to the newspaper Daily Trust. “As I am talking to you today (Tuesday), in Riyom Local Government, in Barikin Ladi Local Government, schools have been occupied by these terrorists for almost a number of years now.”

“We have not less than 64 communities that have been displaced and their lands have been taken over by these terrorists,” he said.


Nigeria: Christmas Massacre Death Toll Hits 195, 10,000 Displaced, More Than 1,000 Homes Burned Down​

Local authorities in Plateau state, Nigeria, updated the death toll of a presumed jihadist massacre of Christians beginning on Christmas Eve to 195 people on Thursday, warning that the arduous search for bodies in the bush continues and will likely add to the catastrophic number of lives lost.

Attackers identified in Nigerian media as “bandits,” believed to be members of the majority-Muslim Fulani ethnic group, went on a killing and pillaging rampage in the heart of Plateau beginning on Christmas Eve, burning down hundreds of homes and killing entire families. The mass murder, which law enforcement authorities described as “well coordinated,” was the latest in a string of killings that religious freedom advocates and Christians on the ground denounce as genocide — an attempt by the Fulani to eradicate the Christian presence in Nigeria’s Middle Belt region and usurp its territory.

The Middle Belt is the dividing line between Nigeria’s majority-Christian south and majority-Muslim north. Populations there, particularly in Plateau and Benue state, are predominantly Christian farming communities and have experienced a dramatic rise in genocidal violence on the part of Muslim Fulani who demand access to the farmland to graze cattle. As a result, some international voices claim the conflict is about the use of the land without a religious dimension and exacerbated by “climate change.” Local persecuted Christians aggressively reject this diagnosis.

Islam is a political movement that uses religious falsehoods to control families.

There’s a very good former Islamist, AlFadi who has a website: CIRA international. He was raised Islamist near Mecca. Now he loves Jesus!

He is exposing the false religion with a team of experts. They’ve gathered coins, artwork, even old trade route documentation. New questions are asked whether there ever was a Mecca or Mohammad in the 7th century.