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Europeans Told to Stockpile Food in Case of War With Russia



People living in the European Union should stockpile emergency supplies in the event of war breaking out or another major emergency, a new report has advised.

The report on Europe's civilian and military preparedness, published on Wednesday, was written by former Finnish President Sauli Niinistö in his capacity as Special Adviser to the President of the European Commission.

The report notes that the EU was not prepared for either the COVID-19 pandemic or Russia's aggression against Ukraine, and that it needs to move "from reaction to proactive preparedness."

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So yeah i just thought this was noteworthy to post because of its bellwether--ee omen like forecast. On one hand it makes sense that the EU would not be too prepared being ran by a supergovernance (where Federal rule is clunky enough--much less a conglomerate of leaders over several European nations). And it earmarks our erra "this Fall," as WW3 opening in theater near you. So i just thought it was cute. Quaint. And right no schedule. Blessings.
My parents kept a small pantry closet full of food after going through the depression and WWII. I think back then most people kept some extra on hand.

I had a friend that told me that it's easy to tell who grew up poor and who grew up rich: just look in their pantry. Those who have done without will always stock up on staples when times are good. (Then she proudly showed me her pantry which was pretty nicely stocked :lol:)