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Europe Let in Too Many Foreigners, Says Henry Kissinger in Wake of Pro-Hamas Demonstrations Across Continent

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
Pro-Hamas demonstrations show European nations, including Germany, made a “grave mistake”, and the continent should be concerned about future hostage-taking raids against its own people if the idea isn’t defeated quickly, Henry Kissinger warns.

Kissinger said: “It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts, because it creates a pressure group inside each country that does that”.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) lists Kissinger as an “important mentor” to founder Klaus Schwab, according to a 2010 document.

It appears Kissinger is now regretting much of his life's work. He must be close to 200 years old by now. Hopefully he'll find Yeshua before he dies. Kissinger was once a refugee from Nazi Germany himself, so it's understandable to some extent the positions he's taken over his lifetime. It seems his eyes are opening...