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EU projection shows far-right parties making big gains in European elections

BRUSSELS (AP) — Far-right parties have made big gains at the European Parliament as the Greens took a major hit at Sunday’s European elections, according to a first projection provided by the European Union.

The estimates aggregated by the EU parliament are based on exit polls or other survey data, along with projections that may include some partial election returns.

The two mainstream and pro-European groups, the Christian Democrats and the Socialists, remained the dominant forces. The Greens were expected to lose about 20 seats and fall back to sixth position in the legislature.


That is sort of bizarre that the far right is rising across Europe.

I'm not sure if they still have anti semitic beliefs but if they do, maybe this is God's hand in play using anti semitism so that more Jews return home to Israel?
I think it might.

Marine Le Pen for example, she is anti globalist, considered far right (it's France so take that "far right" stuff with a grain of salt) and her father who started the party that she now leads was an avowed anti semite. She is not, but there are forces within her faction that still are.

France is one of the bigger communities of Jews outside of Israel, but they've been exiting out of France at a greater pace due to the Muslim attacks.

For her party or any other to survive, they have to take into account the greater and greater percentage of Muslim voters and other anti semitic elements.

I think the 2 key takeaways are whether a politician is pro or anti globalist, and not right or left. And where they land on anti semitism and Israel.