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EPA To Create Impossible Lead Contamination Standards

Baby Yoda

Always Watching
This article was originally published by Lance D. Johnson at Natural News under the title: Hysterical, Power-Hungry EPA Will Require All Property Owners To Have “No Detectable Level Of Lead Dust In The Air” – An Impossible Feat

Lead exposure is a serious health concern, especially for children, whose developing brains are drastically affected by the heavy metal. However, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is going a step too far in regulating the heavy metal on private property.

According to new rules released by Biden’s EPA — homes, apartment buildings, and childcare facilities must test completely negative for lead. Under most circumstances, this is completely implausible. Lead particulate matter is ubiquitous in air measurements across the world.

Instead of taking realistic steps to mitigate the risk of heavy metal exposures, this new rule gives the EPA unlimited power and uses hysterical measurements to seize control over private property.
The EPA needs to be shut down and then re-created, much smaller, with clear directives that are very limited in scope, and with different people. A large number of their directives over the last 10 years or more should be rescinded by Executive Order.