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ENDLESS ESCALATION: Biden Regime To Allow American Private Military Contractors To Deploy to Ukraine

Lately it seems that every day we are faced with yet another escalation by the Joe Biden administration from hell towards a military confrontation with Russia.

Days after Biden began allowing Kiev to fire US-supplied long range missiles on Russian territory, it now surfaces that he is about to allow American PMC companies to fight in the Ukraine war.

That’s American boots on the ground. And worse – on the side that’s being decimated by the overwhelmingly superior Russian air force, artillery, missile and drone capabilities.


Buyden insanity... there was a window that lasted about 6 months from the initial invasion, when sending supplies at least made tactical sense. If the defense was solid and made it too costly in terms of lives and money for Russia, than there was the possibility Putin would pull back. ... that didn't happen.

Putin is now fully committed. He does not bluff. He will not back down. Ukraine has lost. They need to go to the peace conference and shut this down ASAP. Total escallation is insane.
Buyden insanity... there was a window that lasted about 6 months from the initial invasion, when sending supplies at least made tactical sense. If the defense was solid and made it too costly in terms of lives and money for Russia, than there was the possibility Putin would pull back. ... that didn't happen.

Putin is now fully committed. He does not bluff. He will not back down. Ukraine has lost. They need to go to the peace conference and shut this down ASAP. Total escallation is insane.
I think Putin's visit to Kim Jung Un wasn't for nothing. He's fully preparing for all out war and doesn't look to do it alone.
So Russia and North Korea made a pact to assist each other should the Ukraine war extend to NATO nations.
Doesn't look good.
But God is in Control.
Buyden insanity... there was a window that lasted about 6 months from the initial invasion, when sending supplies at least made tactical sense. If the defense was solid and made it too costly in terms of lives and money for Russia, than there was the possibility Putin would pull back. ... that didn't happen.

Putin is now fully committed. He does not bluff. He will not back down. Ukraine has lost. They need to go to the peace conference and shut this down ASAP. Total escallation is insane.
He could go crazy and launch us all into a global war, but Putin in the last few years has made countless empty threats.
Uh, oh.

This will not end well.

At some point, said contractors will need bailing out (likely by design) and American boots will be on the ground. The thin veneer of proxy war will be gone. Will there still be enough logistical capacity for American military to fight with? Is this when we will see the USSR professional military show up there, well supplied? Or will we see them here, while our military is gone?
He could go crazy and launch us all into a global war, but Putin in the last few years has made countless empty threats.
I might be alone in this, so itis good to get other views, but I do not think Putin is crazy. He will threaten, but will not unleash the nukes. I have been trying to study what has transpired in NATO and Ukraine in the last 20 years... and it looks to me like the West broke many promises to Russia and expanded eastward. Think how we reacted to the "Cuban Missile Crisis." ... time will tell, and the Lord's will be done.