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Elon Musk Envisions ‘Cybernetic Superpowers’ as Neuralink Prepares for Second Human Brain Chip Implant

Elon Musk, the tech billionaire behind Neuralink, has made bold claims about the future of brain-computer interfaces, suggesting that his company’s technology will one day grant users “cybernetic superpowers.”

Forbes reports that in a series of tweets and a rare video update, Elon Musk, owner of Neuralink, has painted a futuristic picture of the company’s brain implant technology. Musk’s vision includes the ability for users to control robots with their minds and for amputees to move prosthetic limbs faster than they could their original limbs. These ambitious predictions come as Neuralink prepares to implant its experimental brain chip into a second human patient “within the next week or so.”

Musk’s statements have sparked both excitement and skepticism in the scientific community. While brain-computer interfaces hold tremendous potential for paralyzed people and , many experts caution that Musk’s timeline and predictions may be overly optimistic. The billionaire entrepreneur is known for his hyperbolic forecasts, which have often proven to be far from reality, particularly in areas such as autonomous vehicles and robotics — many of those claims and timelines can be found here.


The first thought that came to mind was "they shall be like gods" :(

I like the idea that amputees, paralytics, etc. could be helped.
I don't like that the tech could also be used to create "super Soldiers"
I'd also be worried that if the tech, especially if coupled with AI, were able to help people with dementia, etc., that it could be set up to block remembering Christian faith, Bible memory verses, or acceptance/interest in the Bible, etc.