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Egypt warns it may withdraw from Gaza war mediation over ‘attempts to doubt’ its role

The head of Egypt’s State Information Service (SIS) Diaa Rashwan tells the state-affiliated Al-Qahera News TV that attempts to doubt Egypt’s role may push it to “completely withdraw” from its mediation in the current Israel-Hamas conflict.

The comments are made following a CNN report confirming what two officials told The Times of Israel last week — that Egypt mishandled the latest round of hostage talks, contributing to their collapse.

The threat from Egypt is similar to the one issued by Qatar last month, when its prime minister announced a review of its mediator role, in light of criticism from Israel. That review has not led to Doha withdrawing from the talks, and it appears unlikely that Cairo will take such a step either.

Egypt has also come under fire from the US for what Washington says has been Cairo’s withholding of aid for Gaza.


I found it interesting that Netanyahu has stated that he has not intentions of resettling Gaza. I wonder how the other ISraeli leaders will take that ?
He doesn't want to accept all the Gazans as Israeli citizens. Gaza got forced away from Israel in the summer of 2005. 19 years ago. The US GUARANTEED it wouldn't be a threat to Israel as part of the conditions for creating an independent state out of Gaza with self determination, elections etc. The Jews who left behind functioning businesses saw them torn to bits and destroyed. No Jews were allowed to remain in Gaza.

But Israel allows Arab muslims as part of IT'S democracy.

However absorbing all of Gaza's population of terrorist inclined Arab Muslims would create a horrendous problem for Israel. They'd be able to vote for Hamas to run ISRAEL and that would end badly.

This should have been foreseeable back in 2005 under George Bush Jr. It's a creation that 19 years later has come of age and is a growing problem and a perfect example why the 2 state solution doesn't work, never worked, and never will work.
Margery, what are your thoughts on moving Gazans to Lebanon? (Maybe those remaining loyal to Hamas will get hammered by Hezbollah?)
I don't know. I kind of think they would not be welcome there as well.

Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia don't want them, nor does Turkey. Nobody wants them, wherever they go they are a threat to that country as they grew up for generations hating Israel and they are too bloodthirsty and volatile even for their own kind to tolerate. As a terrorist factory Gaza is perfect. As human beings that can fit in to other nations, not so much.

Lebanon is an interesting idea. It used to be more than 50% Marionite Christian - Brigitte Gabriel lived thru the era when Lebanon used to be viewed as the Paris of the Med, a lovely place till the Muslims took over and the trouble began. She wrote a couple of very good books detailing how that happens by the numbers as Muslims gain the upper hand numbers and percentage wise.

I'd have to look but I think Hezbollah is Shia or Shiite. (checked, yes and further more 70% are now Muslim mostly Shia or Shia friendly such as the Syrian Alawites (the group that the leader of Syria belongs to)

Hamas is Sunni which is what ISIS is, and most of the world muslim population. They don't get along normally. Iran's Shia or Shia friendlies are about 10% of the world Muslims, the rest are Sunni. At least according to Wikipedia.

The Sunni Saudi Arabians control Mecca and Medina the 2 holiest sites in all Islam and Mecca is the obligatory pilgrimage which Iran wants to own because then Iran can control the world's population of Muslims. This is why Saudi Arabia and Iran are deadly enemies and Iran wants to topple Saudi Arabia.

HOWEVER Iran has been funding Hamas and they were furious when Hamas jumped the gun on Oct 7. They were supposed to wait and go in with Hezbollah in a pincer movement which would have devastated Israel far worse.

I wonder if Hamas wanted to steal the glory for their Sunni brethren by attacking ahead of schedule. That alone would make them enemies within the Shia world.

So long way of saying I really don't know. Hezbollah isn't too happy with Hamas for ruining their plans although they've been bombing the north the whole time Israel has been dealing with Gaza. I can't see them cooperating with any relief agency trying to resettle the Gazans. Even a muslim relief agency. And I don't think the Gazans want to live anywhere else. Wherever they go they will likely recreate terrorist cells operating from new countries. Kind of like cancer metastasizing.

Israel had to move their northern population out because of the bombs coming in from Lebanon and the fears of the even worse tunnels over on the border with Lebanon. I don't know if they'd want the tunnel rats moving to Lebanon to lend a hand there even if the Gazans and the Lebanese were willing.

Thorny problem.
I'd have to look but I think Hezbollah is Shia or Shiite. (checked, yes and further more 70% are now Muslim mostly Shia or Shia friendly such as the Syrian Alawites (the group that the leader of Syria belongs to)

Hamas is Sunni which is what ISIS is, and most of the world muslim population. They don't get along normally. Iran's Shia or Shia friendlies are about 10% of the world Muslims, the rest are Sunni. At least according to Wikipedia.

The Sunni Saudi Arabians control Mecca and Medina the 2 holiest sites in all Islam and Mecca is the obligatory pilgrimage which Iran wants to own because then Iran can control the world's population of Muslims. This is why Saudi Arabia and Iran are deadly enemies and Iran wants to topple Saudi Arabia.

HOWEVER Iran has been funding Hamas and they were furious when Hamas jumped the gun on Oct 7. They were supposed to wait and go in with Hezbollah in a pincer movement which would have devastated Israel far worse.

I wonder if Hamas wanted to steal the glory for their Sunni brethren by attacking ahead of schedule. That alone would make them enemies within the Shia world.
I'd forgotten how big an issue the Shia/Sunni one is.

Thank you for your fascinating response :thankyou:
I don't know. I kind of think they would not be welcome there as well.

They wouldn't be, but it would be the easiest place for Israel to herd them out of Israel/Gaza so Israel can annex gaza without the enemy population to contend with. Israel needs to deal with hezbollah and could do it in a way that ultimately puts the gazan population in Lebanon for anyone other than Israel to deal with. Of course, many of them will become anti-Israel fighters, but that can't be helped unless all the males are exterminated. At least they'd be out of gaza and Israel could claim that territory for their own forever. Israel may also want to create a large buffer zone in southern Lebanon...