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Egypt to join South Africa genocide case at ICJ

Egypt spoke up two days after South Africa turned to the ICJ and asked that it order Israel to stop its military operation in Rafah.

Egypt plans to join South Africa’s genocide petition against Israel at the International Court of Justice, its Foreign Ministry announced on Sunday, as part of its campaign to force Israel to halt a pending major military operation in Rafah.

Israel’s attacks on Gaza, Egypt said, “include deliberate targeting of civilians, infrastructure destruction, forced displacement, and creating unbearable living conditions, leading to an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

“These actions constitute a flagrant violation of international law, humanitarian law, and the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 regarding the protection of civilians during wartime,” the Foreign Ministry stated.

Egypt calls for Israel to stop military campaign in Rafah .....

Egypt DEFINITELY doesn't want Hamas in Egypt. BUT

There is ALSO some talk that Egypt doesn't want the world to see the underground tunnel highways at the Rafah crossing with Egypt. It would expose their actions to support Hamas.

Another thing it would expose is the way the CIA and others on behalf of this current administration in Washington have turned a blind eye, if not actively helped Egypt.