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Dr. Rand Paul Reintroduces “Audit the Fed”



WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) reintroduced the Federal Reserve Transparency Act or the “Audit the Fed” bill, to prevent the Federal Reserve from concealing vital information on its operations from Congress.

“No institution holds more power over the future of the American economy and the value of our savings than the Federal Reserve,” said Dr. Paul. “It’s long past time for Congress to stop shirking its duty and hold the Federal Reserve accountable.”

The legislation is currently cosponsored by Senators Todd Young (R-IN), Mike Lee (R-UT), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Braun (R-IN), Jim Risch (R-ID), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Roger Marshall (R-KS), John Barrasso (R-WY), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), and Rick Scott (R-FL).

This legislation would require the nonpartisan, independent Government Accountability Office (GAO) to conduct a thorough audit of the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors and reserve banks within one year of the bill’s enactment and to report back to Congress within 90 days of completing the audit.

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‘No reason’ for U.S. to have central bank digital currency, says Scott Bessent​

2 Minute Video

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House passes bill barring Federal Reserve from issuing digital dollar​

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This document is renewed concern to audit the FED. The above comes up on the wings of a recent defeat of CBDC's
I hope this bill passes and is signed in to law. What business does the Fed have issuing a digital dollar? Doesn't that sort of thing belong in the House of Representatives? I'm presuming by digital that crypto is what is meant. Crypto money has proven to be too easy to steal and too easy for people to lose.
Physical currency is freedom. The one's doing the stealing will include our own governments who will use access to it as a means of coercion to force us to comply with whatever they deem necessary.
Hi guys. I included the CBDC vid and article because I wanted to include it as a reminder. Not a reminder that we might get one. A reminder in how it is on its way out from consideration. There was a lot of rightful concern over it. Many would have concern of it being globalist entrapment (which had it been done, likely we go in that direction). The CBDC was a glam child of youtube sensationalism. It was the a highlight feature for much of the watcher circuit. YET, not only are we not going in that direction. But actually, much more likely getting rid of the FED. We don't need to borrow our own money. In this case, audit (real audit) means exposing criminal activity and incompetence. Auditing the FED means ending it. Amen!!!

WE will have to see if things go in the direction. But for now it's in the que. It's not a far reach to go from no tax on tips, overtime, or social security to no tax period. America had to be kept less functioning. Because the stronger it would be, the more criminals would run the risk of empowering the constitution. Make yourself wealthy by taking money from America, drain it, and leave it baren so that it cannot stand for ideas of freedom for the world. America would be the voice of reason in a criminalized world that needs you and me to not reason but believe in crime syndicate government (aka...globalism).

I remember when the CBDC was the rage of concern. How certain doom loomed. And instead it looks like the system that would have made CBDC great, is likely about to be audited. Yeah. We will have to see. But i just wanted to put this on the record. Trump to this day is still not president yet. Yet, there is writing on the wall. We will see if it is the writing to come.

I would like to close out this post with a reminder of a faithful saint who reminded us in another thread that Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum., a scholar that is pretrib and sees the tribulation coming., said that things like credit cards, or social security numbers or bitcoin are NOT marks of the beast. I believe it was a quote from one of Arnald's books. If anyone knows where it was posted or might just post it here again...i don't think we can hear that sort of thing enough today.

We have a lot going on. The better we can focus on "the thing" more than distractions of what are "not the thing," will be nutrients to the soul. America will probably become the first country to pay off its national debt in bitcoin. In that case, not "what it might be" or what it "might become." But what it IS and its power to do something against the beast system that is I would not see as bitcoin--but more like central banking...the FED--I believe bitcoin paying off the national debt is likely a lot closer to "the thing" than not. Just using Rand Paul as a watermark. From the way it looks brothers and sister, we might be looking at a watermark traffic jam. Even sig alert. Hopefully, amen. But if so, i'll try and behave though :) Blessings.
A global crypto or some other kind of digital currency may come to pass, but I don't think it is necessary to help fulfill any Biblical prophecies. It could be, but doesn't need to, IMO.
I agree brother. Sometimes...i will be honest, i can tend to grab the way i see things going so much out from the future and talk about it today like its already occuring....lol. It's a bad habit i get into sometimes. And it's weird when i am called on it. Because in my head it seems to make so much sense. In the past i have joked about asking a thousand pardons. Because us time travelers from the future didn't get the systems upgrade in our databanks to sometimes make clear distinctions of thought aligned with the time we have traveled back to. :p

But, I bring that up because there seems to be so much focus on what things will turn into that any artifact in our current reality can be subject to guilt by presumed association. And take on a completely different significance than it can have for today. One of my staple approaches to eschatology in general is affirming in my heart that the age of grace and the age of tribulation are two separate ages entirely. With overlap likely. But i try to triple down myself on the two very different age notion. So i don't pull in too much of where i see things going as if it were already so much a far gone conclusion that we mind as well talk about it like it already is.

So i am guilty of this sort of thing. I think in part its maybe a subconscious defense thingy I have against sensationalizing things today as though they are definitely earmarked for the tribulation. I believe that even if it is earmarked, its utility in the age of grace is likely an entirely different significance and use. And more relevant of what it means today for our age than how it might in the tribulation. For instance i could see in the age of grace bitcoin and gold taking down the central banking (undoing the mark of the beast trajectory), while later in the tribulation be used as globalist controlled digital assets the world uses. Two extremely different uses of the same thing.

The way i see it is we are children of the light of the great I AM. And as such, it is likely having far much more value to live in the here and now (in how God may be using things today in our age) more so than getting a hamburger on Tuesday (paying for it today). Instead of the other way around. But the tendency "can be" to think about currency, in how it will be in the future, and possibly miss an entirely different purpose of that same financial vehicle in our here and now. Living in the future to miss the now would not be the best use of eschatology. But if we have history books in the hereafter, I believe it will go down in them that there was a period in time where people lived in the future despite their present. And i just think that there might be more godly focus as children of the I AM (not the I WILL BE or BECOME) to assume that since the I AM is here with us now in the age of grace, the value of what things will mean what they do today, are every bit as (and likely more) important than what they may or may not be in the tribulation. Blessings.
Hi guys. I included the CBDC vid and article because I wanted to include it as a reminder. Not a reminder that we might get one. A reminder in how it is on its way out from consideration. There was a lot of rightful concern over it. Many would have concern of it being globalist entrapment (which had it been done, likely we go in that direction). The CBDC was a glam child of youtube sensationalism. It was the a highlight feature for much of the watcher circuit. YET, not only are we not going in that direction. But actually, much more likely getting rid of the FED. We don't need to borrow our own money. In this case, audit (real audit) means exposing criminal activity and incompetence. Auditing the FED means ending it. Amen!!!

WE will have to see if things go in the direction. But for now it's in the que. It's not a far reach to go from no tax on tips, overtime, or social security to no tax period. America had to be kept less functioning. Because the stronger it would be, the more criminals would run the risk of empowering the constitution. Make yourself wealthy by taking money from America, drain it, and leave it baren so that it cannot stand for ideas of freedom for the world. America would be the voice of reason in a criminalized world that needs you and me to not reason but believe in crime syndicate government (aka...globalism).

I remember when the CBDC was the rage of concern. How certain doom loomed. And instead it looks like the system that would have made CBDC great, is likely about to be audited. Yeah. We will have to see. But i just wanted to put this on the record. Trump to this day is still not president yet. Yet, there is writing on the wall. We will see if it is the writing to come.

I would like to close out this post with a reminder of a faithful saint who reminded us in another thread that Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum., a scholar that is pretrib and sees the tribulation coming., said that things like credit cards, or social security numbers or bitcoin are marks of the beast. I believe it was a quote from one of Arnald's books. If anyone knows where it was posted or might just post it here again...i don't think we can hear that sort of thing enough today.

We have a lot going on. The better we can focus on "the thing" more than distractions of what are "not the thing," will be nutrients to the soul. America will probably become the first country to pay off its national debt in bitcoin. In that case, not "what it might be" or what it "might become." But what it IS and its power to do something against the beast system that is I would not see as bitcoin--but more like central banking...the FED--iI believe bitcoin paying off the national debt is likely a lot closer to "the thing" than not. Just using Rand Paul as a watermark. From the way it looks brothers and sister, we might be looking at a watermark traffic jam. Even sig alert. Hopefully, amen. But if so, i'll try and behave though :) Blessings.
Yep all it takes is the right crisis to get it in unfortunately

Donald Trump fulfills promise to crypto community, bans CBDC: What it means​

US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order banning the creation and issuance of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in the US. In the run-up to his presidential campaign, Trump had on occasions maintained that banning CBDC would be one of his agendas after assuming office. This is the first big move from Trump related to bitcoin and cryptocurrency in his second term in office. As per the order, CBDC has been defined as “a form of digital money or monetary value, denominated in the national unit of account, that is a direct liability of the central bank.”

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Please see this paragraph from the article

Trump’s order eliminates the possibility of a US CBDC in the near future, showcasing a strong position against central bank-controlled digital currencies. The order essentially promotes stablecoins by supporting the growth of lawful and legitimate dollar-backed stablecoins worldwide. Meaning stablecoins could serve as a private-sector alternative to CBDCs, essentially supporting the digital economy without direct government issuance. With this, the focus shifts from government-controlled CBDCs to private-sector digital assets, also ensuring the dominance of dollars in the global economy via stablecoins and other crypto innovations. Overall, this pauses any groundwork laid for US CBDC in the past and directs all the efforts towards regulating and supporting private-sector digital asset innovation.

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I think this is a good place for this article as it is under the same theme kind of. It is "an affront" to the FED from another angle. On one hand auditing the FED is in our scopes (on paper). On another front Trump officially tanks CBDC consideration. Which is also nipping at the central banking (FED in the USA) system. To me it looks like Trump is interested in helping to enforce normal free market practice under God's good earth creation and the eco systems that work in good faith well even under our fallen world conditions.

If we do a search on this forum for CBDC, we can see much of it is geared toward the concerns of CBDC becoming end time crypto control of currency on the eve of the tribulation. It made sense to see that if varying sectors of world influence all start merging toward the tribulation. I saw this too with COVID. That many in the eschatology view of the world we are familiar with is getting worse and will stay that way and get even more worse. Because I believe in some ways it was a way to see how true the word of God is by "the end is near" filters we might look through. But then COVID faded. No more masks (generally). No 6 feet apart. And no more vaccine mandates. So in that way things have gotten pretty much back to normal. Now the CBDC follows this same path of erosion away from common themes we associate with cascading into the tribulation age.

If we look at this another way, we may place the concerns we had on CBDC and move them to Bitcoin. Perhaps believing its just a show. And Bitcoin will end up being the culprit. And they fooled us once again. It may well end up like that in the tribulation itself. But it might not exactly function the same in the age of grace. In the age of grace it may function as a helper against globalism and the Green New Deal and Davos, and the Global Reset. But I think seeing it like that might seem like looking through rose colored glasses. But instead of looking at it that way, perhaps the "But God" that comes with the winding down of the age of grace is in great part the downing of the NWO.

As long as I have been in the watcher community over the past 8 years now, I believe it is difficult to see so much darkness going on, and just pull away from those entrenched ways of thinking. It is easier to just shift what we are witnessing into it being only theater. And that we are tricking ourselves to think it can get better. But if God wants to show His character which is written all throughout His word in the Old and New testament, it is not a far stone's throw away that if that is how providence is going, the likelihood of it being because of His character, in His end times, coming out of His age of grace, going into His 70th week, then yes perhaps this world system has been given to the evil one in his lap. But the cows all a thousand hills belongs the Lord (Psalm 50:10).

The way I see that is kind of like the devil is the superintendent (director of a department). But God is the landlord or business owner. Or maybe like this: the devil is the secretary of state. But God is as the president. There is no model where this is reversed. I do understand it is potentially uncomfortable to risk the character of God factoring into the last days because of how we understand what is shared in the word seems to highlight the dark parts. But even in the dark part of Ez 38, the word of God we typically don't see as often to notice (and exponentially know exactly what to do with) is that God somehow will make it known to the world that He is God in all that (for this is the word of God too...amplifying His character in the end times). But I have never seen a commentary point out how that looks. I imagine commentaries that deal with those passages do say something. But I would not imagine a soul on earth would be all that familiar with those passages via commentaries. Which is a curious notion. Self included. I don't know either.

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In any event, my hope is that if God is downing the NWO largely through Trump, overtime the end time narrative shifts from NWO transition into the tribulation to America made Great Again strenthens Israel for peace and safety posture. I believe that time would have to come if that is how God might be orchestrating today. For the things we would see under that standing (understanding) would likely overhaul a significant sector of watcher perspective. And make God's character before a sinking ship titanic world Great Again. Greater than deception. Greater than the NWO. Greater than 10 nation confederacy. And greater than the themes of the antichrist. We know this in our hearts. But the world does not. The notion of this being a potential would also seem to reflect that that template of raising the awareness of His great character today might mirror the church/Israel transition contrast as well. That we see unbelieving Israel as the beacon of end time prophesy in some sort of active and living way orchestrated by...But God. I guess we'll see. The notion is exciting though I think. Blessings.